01 March 2008

Wireless dsl gateway

External modem DSL and PPPoE configuration: Guide Customer RG1000 Dell TrueMobile external Modem DSL and PPPoE configuration: Guide Customer RG1000 Dell Configuration of the card client without threads for the connection to the RG1000 Configuration of the RG1000 through the installation and the execution of utilit?i configuration RG This section contains the information of configuration for uses it of the RG1000 with an external modem DSL with PPPoE (like illustrated in the following figure). In order to see the other options of net to disposition, to return to the section. Before beginning, having the just service provider local DSL to decide of the relative information to this service before. In order to unload one stampabile version of the following table, to cliccare with the skillful key of the mouse. In order to see rows pdf, it is necessary to have Adobe Acrobat Reader. in order to unload the last version of Acrobat Reader. Name of account (the Name customer): The minimal time of pause (1 minute, 2 minuteren. If the service provider does not demand a name of account (name customer) and a password for the PPPoE configuration, passare to the section As I install and I shape my RG1000 with an external modem DSL. To d3connecter every Ethernet cable from the computer. To press the devices you of closing (a) and to remove the cover (b) of the RG1000 like shown in the following illustration. To localize the label under the cover on the back of the RG1000. net (the code to 6 characters on the label), perch?ar?ecessario subsequently. 5 characters of the Name of net constitute the key of coding standard. The known Name of net?nche like SSID. In the previous versions of the RG1000, one referred to us to the Name of net with the acronym. Before connecting the reducer to one taken electrical worker, connecting the cord of feeding to the feeding connector on the RG1000. Not to still connect the reducer to one taken electrical worker. To connect a Ethernet cable of the external modem to wide band (modem DSL/ISDN) to the black connector (b).sull' RG1000..Si to pu?ttenere the appropriate Ethernet cable directly from the just service ones provider. To use the connector single white man (a) if the RG1000 to the own one is connected taken telephone. Riposizionare the cover and bloccarlo pressing the closing devices you, like the following extension illustration. To put unit?u one flat surface and to predispose cables through the entry point, like the following extension illustration. To connect the reducer to one taken of alternating current. After approximately 30 second ones, the spy who marks it the feeding, s' illuminer?on one fixed green light. If the spy s' does not illuminate with this fixed green light, to see the section for reperire ulterior information on the spies. Once that the?lluminata spy with the fixed green light, to proceed to the section Configuration of the cards client without threads for the connection to the RG100. Configuration of the cards client without threads all must be shaped the cards client without threads (the cards without threads in i. To install and to shape the cards client without threads being used the attached documentation to the same cards. To use the Name of net RG1000 that?egistrato during is made previous like SSID. To use last the 5 characters of the Name of net like key of coding (defined also key. per istruzioni.sulla the configuration of the Dell TrueMobile 1100 & Series the 1150 and of the cards client without threads Dell 4800LT. installation and the configuration of the cards client, to use the connections puttinges to disposition in order to return to this section and to continue with the configuration procedure. After to have established a connection without threads between own of the RG1000 through the installation and the execution of utilit?i configuration RG. through the installation and the execution of utilit?i configuration RG After to have connected and ignited the shaped RG1000.e the cards client without threads, steps are necessary to shape the RG1000. following single on one of the?ecessario computers with una..Non shaping the RG1000 on every computer. To insert the CD local Gateway RG1000 Dell TrueMobile Series 1150, included with the RG1000, in unit?D or the DVD of one of the computers of the net without threads. To make sure itself that this computer has a connection without threads to the RG1000, as described in the section of configuration for the card client without threads. If main the Menu window does not appear automatically, cliccare the push-button represents the letter of unit?D or the DVD) and to cliccare OK. Cliccare Installa utilit?i configuration RG and to follow the instructions for the completion of the installation of the utilit?Se during the installation appears a message that asks to install Java Runtime?ecessario to install it. After to have completed the installation of utilit?riavviare the computer cliccando Avvio—. Arresta—. Riavvia. Cliccare two times icona Configuration RG, than finds hour on the desktop of the computer is not found on the desktop, to cliccare. In the Utilit?i window configuration RG TrueMobile 1150, to select It then personalizes and to cliccare Continua. When it is demanded to identify the RG, to insert the Name of net RG1000, and then to cliccare. To assess itself to use the Name of net that appears on the label on the back of the RG1000 and not that one shown in the following example of illustration. If, after to have immesso the Name of net RG1000 and cliccato Continua an error message appears, to pass to the section. In the window Configuration of the Internet logon, to immettere the being followed information obtained from the just service ones provider: To select a Logon (Continuous, Automatic or Upon request) To select the time wished under You d3connecter if in pause for:. If the service provider demands addresses DNS, to cliccare. If the service provider does not demand addresses DNS, to cliccare. In the window Topology of net, to insert address DNS 1 (Primary) and address DNS 2 (Secondary). Not to modify no other field. Configuration of browser web for one logon LAN. Configuration of browser web for one the last phase of the configuration consists in shaping the browser web, on every computer of the net without threads, for one logon LAN. Configuration of the browser for Internet. After to have finished this phase, the configuration of the?ompletata RG1000 and the new net without threads?ronta for being.

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