08 March 2008

Walmart photo lab

de | The Kills: "Green Day and Good Charlotte are exactly the opposite of Punk" (interview). New plates, freshly from the post office Doherty and bar musical. "Green Day and Good Charlotte are exactly the opposite of Punk" the English-American rebel duo The Kills?r its new killer machine "NO Wow", the racistic America and the whale Mart in Dortmund. The Bonnie and Clyde of the Rock'n'Roll: VV and hotel) - to the Ver?entlichung of their new album we meet the two Protagonisten in K?, so not at all bloodily and b? appear. A little sch?tern Jamie (hotel) and Alison (VV) in its hotel room nearly already work. But hardly in the Gespr?, gush they before rebellious energy. At least Jamie cannot do no more aufh?n?r art, the b? To speak music Business and the surrealen supermarket single Treffs in America. Which is f?euch the most important in the world. Jamie: Art and death (laughs). And which is your gr?e passion. Jamie: TC, my gr?e passion is not so interesting f?andere people. I think, The Kills am my gr?e passion. In my whole life I had always volume, but one obstructed oneself often mutually. This time we bring our whole life in volume. When I met VV, I had the first time the Gef?, a Gleichgesinnten to have found. We are on the absolutely same level, which concerns art and music. We bring the same energy into our k?tlerische T?gkeit. I do not know other way to earn than each day 24 hours long with art and music money. We decided that those is volume our life. The Kills are a kind Roadmovie. Very romantically and very idealistic, like Bonnie and Clyde in volume. We move from a place to the n?sten, are always on the way, never continue. We m?ten in each city a lasting impression to leave. Bonnie and Clyde died at the end in a Schie?rei. VV: That we become probably also (laughs). Have you a definition of Rock'n'Roll. I do not think that I have a really fitting definition. Jamie: Rock'n'Roll is rather dead, or. As something can be still relevant from the 50's today. There is this energy, which is continued to carry by the generations. I think, we have fear before finding a definition f?etwas other one. Nowadays the people have fear before it, to make which new. In the 50's Rock'n'Roll had a more important meaning. Nowadays the people it are used that st?ig somewhat?ert itself in the music. Somebody m?te each day again somewhat singularly new makes. However is the Rock'n'Roll from at that time still today popul? The today's music is more verg?licher. VV: Somebody said that k?lich to us. Our music h? itself to like terrorist music. We are thus terrorist volume. There is still another rebellious attitude in the today's music, in the Rock'n'Roll. Jamie: The more rebellious one nowadays is, the unknown quantity is one in this Business. That is exactly the point, if you get a disk contract as volume. The rebellion is marketed and everything becomes commercial. Which you think?r Billy Childish. Jamie: Billy Childish is not unfortunately very well-known. It is in any case unconsidered. Billy's kicking against the pricks, anyway. If it for more in?fentlichkeit stand w?e, w?e it probably hide themselves. The White Stripes invited it to "Top OF The Pops", in order to paint on the B?e, but it did not want it. It is already amusing that Billy is somewhat more well-known now because of the White Stripes and not because of its volumes The Headcoatees. There is thus no future f?diese music. Jamie: But, those people lost only the contact at present. At that time Rock'n'Roll was exact in the time. The young people have themselves with the art, with which music identifies. They make that today no longer intensive so. I think that the today's disk companies use Marketingstrategien of before ten years. Many volume maintain a style or have an image, which is 30 or 40 years old. "old School Rock'n'Roll" is nowadays no longer relevant. There is a co-operation in the music industry to make everything sterile. Today it gives more Nihilisten than rebels. With Punkrock began. Nihilistic music was from the outset in the music. Is not selbstzerst?risch at the end. Jamie: The gr?e problem with Punk is that one rumschleppt the Punkmusik corpse since 30 years with itself. It was a youth movement, which took only two years, but an impression continuing for a long time left. The impression on some people was so substantial that they want not to let this movement die. Mode and art was gro?r a part of this movement. The attitude was it at that time to unite mode and art. VV: Art and mode were at that time everything. Nowadays the people forgot this meaning. The image is commercially, more verk?licher. You can buy the image in a normal shop. In the L?n you find dresses, some little and then run around evenly all look punkig in such a way. But Punk is exactly the opposite of it. Jamie: The people want to leave today an impression, look however only for a connection to the past. I do not mean that arrogant, but I do not think, these people have respect for Punk, skirt or Blues and electronics music. Although you all these aspects of music in your music integrate. Punkmusik left, exactly the same an impression on me as electronic music. I have one gro? Connection to this volume. Many critics cheered our first plate as a "celebration of the skirt Blues" or as "garage volume plate". I am completely more normally, more b?erlicher, wei?r man from England. I do not have Blues in me. That did not also prevent Mick Jagger. Jamie: Is correct, but I have it not in my soul. My Einfl?e is mixing machines from all music directions mentioned. Mean influence pull I through?ere of volume and plates. ?tere people gave me plates of volume, which there are not any longer or which died and once legend?waren. I had the Gef?, those are whole mysteri? Volume, when w?e one reads?r velvet Underground or Punkmusik. I was not interested on current volume. I grew up in a town and never volume arose there. Jamie: In Newbury, in the S?n of London. And then I pulled to London. Is Newbury does not admit f?Pferderennen. My father cooked f?die humans on the B?en for dte. The nuclear basis of Greenham Common was also direct beside it. It is a city of the rebels. That is it, which long I made my whole life. A good thing, if one lives in the town. If you have however more than 20 Pound in the bag, are you immediately away. VV: I am from a very small city, Miro Beach in Florida. No music, no meeting, nearly no young person. Daf?tausende pensioners, who drive Cadillacs. Jamie: And gulf play, thus they get a healthy skin color. VV: Yeah?rall "Winkleies" (old people with very many folds in the face, which were to for a long time in the sun). Jamie: I must say that I hate Florida more, as every other place in the world. And now you both live in London. To what extent London is important f?Musik and art. Jamie: We are not so often at home. We had gro? Pl?, to besiege different locations in London. We bought and thought a gallery in London for example, this place the w?e k?tlerische center. We were there then f?eine week and had not times the time to unpack. We had immediately on route. Since then were we hardly at home. Will the gallery also a place f?Ausstellungen to be. Jamie: We m?ten there our own studio construct, a photo laboratory, a few exhibitions and Parties make. We made very many photos and write I also very much. There is never enough place on a Plattencover, in order to use all these things. Or there is not enough time to show w?end an appearance our entire art. Perhaps we make demn?st also a common book. You already somewhat prepared, generally gives it to Pl?. Jamie: Yes, it comes out soon a film. VV: Our friend Morgan from New York turned a film?r our route. He filmed us one week long in Paris and cut then he everything together and became from it one much sch? Documentation. Most scenes consist of the fact that we film ourselves mutually. Jamie: Morgan made many small interviews with us. It was rather smart and us never together interviewt. Unbelievably that we said many?liche things nevertheless. We had first no notion, which f?ein film should become. We wanted to make only a 15-Minuten-Kurzfilm?r our experiences in Paris. At the end were then nevertheless nearly 60 minutes?r hate and love, waxes and dying. The film hei? "I Hate The Way You Love". VV: I think, the film appear at the same time as the plate. Jamie: We w?en gladly a?entliche Filmvorf?ung make, where we play then also live. But we have unfortunately for the moment no time in addition. There is a completely mad Independent cinema, "The Dalston Rio", in the N? our house, perhaps we k?en it make there. If functions, want to then go to it also with the film on tour. Jamie: That is a good idea. VV: First we m?en times with the plate on route go, otherwise we are get?t. Jamie: There is very much material?r our plate in this film. There also scenes from the photographs to "NO seem to Wow", in which we speak much dar?r. Most disk companies do not have a conception of the fact that one makes also times a film or something else k?te. They always use the same format: One makes a plate, goes on tour, brings a video raus, gives interviews. VV: Disk companies get panic, if them the words book or film h?n. That was with our label also like that. Jamie: It is heavy to?rreden a label to bring a film out and to make a zus?liche cinema route. The label says then: "moment, if you intend, then you must with your musical career break make." Whereupon I answer: "which f?eine career, I is in volume. The problem is that the disk companies do not know, how they marked these products out are, or. The disk company wei?nicht, how it the marked out is and the public can begin also nothing thereby. Financially it k?te a disaster becomes, but as art it is nevertheless marvelous. Disasters always leave the gr?en impression. It is not good to create art and to make also still another little money thereby. VV: Jamie and I spend each cent f?solche things. F?Dinge, in which we really believe. We will always make that. Our brain cannot function differently. It does not play a role, like much money it costs, we makes it simple. Jamie: You can compare the music Business also with your parents. I always made and never knew music whether I can pay of it my pension. Parents say, you must a correct job look for each other, in order to make money correctly: "catch on to finally think of your future." And then those has volume pl?lich a disk contract, one sees it on the television and in music magazines. They get money and k?en a house to buy and then say my Eltern:"Yeah, that are marvelous. We always participated and you always unterst?t. If the companies do not get a profit, then it does not have a relevance f?sie. If one is not commercial, then one failed and one is a loose. As the Studioarbeit was to your new album. Jamie: We had this time only four weeks time. At that time we made the best art and music in ten minutes. The ideas came as shot from the pistol. In these four weeks we used now our own small world f?unsere inspiration. And pl?lich we had written eleven Songs. We had to?rlegen no time. It helps not also to work under time pressure. Jamie: Jein, it is not the ideal method. One should be safe, which kind of plate one wants to make. One can go and say not into the studio, hmm, takes we this St? or nevertheless rather the other one. One must concentrate on a Song. It is somehow klaustrophobisch, but one uses its instincts. The urspr?liche idea was to make a key board plate. I have go?, that you wanted to use gladly a Moog. VV: We could not use the Moog, because he was not repaired. Jamie: Many guitar lines were written f?die organ. We wanted to convert it with the Moog and experiment with it around. The guitar should sound like a key board, the schlagzeug like an amusing Drummaschine. K?t it us something?r "Myers Supermarket" erz?en. VV: Wait it already times in a whale Mart. Jamie: There is a whale Mart in Dortmund. Jamie: The whale Mart in Dortmund is the first single Treff of the world. The slogan there is as it were "Shopping For Love". One gets wine, meets the other Eink?er and her?rreden you. Jamie: Myers is a little like whale Mart. As we our plate in Benton Harbour, in the N? there from Detroit, took up, gave it to this Myers supermarket. After Detroit Riots in the 60's the city did not recover again. It is a very poor area with high unemployment. They again developed Detroit, but one vernachl?igt the quarters Benton Harbour. One sees many people on the Stra? and it wei?nicht whether they are shelterless or not. The whole population is very tragic. VV: There is nothing to do there f?Jugendliche. It ge?net 24 hours long, and all Kids meets, over all day long abzuh?en there. The M?hen is very much opened, with high Abs?en and much make-up in the face, in hope, there a boy f? To meet life. Supermarket instead of club or discotheque. VV: We were also each evening there to buy however in order beer or eat something. That is really the only place, where one can go. These young people stroll together with the normal Eink?ern, which are a generation more?er and completely thick, by the shop. The?teren moves its Trolly over before itself. If you observe in such a way, you the connection between the two generations becomes clear. Perhaps the?eren, thick people were at that time just as as the Kids today. Frustrates and bored pulled it by Myers and its friend or its friend there at that time met. It is a completely amusing world, much be?stigend. VV: In the middle west in America is it?rall like that. And many people never move away completely from their Geburtstort. I m?te to this young people only say: "Hey, that is a warning, looks at you these?eren people, then you k?tet also end-leave your city rather now and pull to another place VV: A problem is the poverty, the other one is the Christian faith and American pride. Nobody wants to leave its homeland and which new to discover. They think, it are not worthwhile themselves not to go to France. The people think, their homeland are the best and them m?ten not elsewhere go. If you are educated in such a way and nothing different one know, then it is clear why these people think in such a way. The problem to go away from a place is not only financially conditioned, but also psychologically. I had never money, but it prevented, means me also never from it place of residence to leave. If you are in a trap, then it is no matter, in which case. There are many examples f?Leute, which did not have money, but nevertheless the energy to change the place. VV: It is only one question of the courage. I read times that Shopping Malls are the new church in America, gro?r a new meeting place. But there are still many churches in America. Those are probably the people, which w?en Bush. America makes for the moment no Spa? You pulled therefore to London. With 14 years I went seeing something else on tour and had so the chance the whole world. In a gr?ren city I was on an art school and gave it nevertheless there still this basic tendency, of because of "ah, I must here away". The place of residence leave the most exciting and best one were which I make could. To London to come to meet and music and art make hotel, that was it. I wei?nicht, where I landed w?, if I this M?ichkeit not used h?e. Probably w? I gone to New York, although it is also very boring there straight. Which thinks it?r the English music press such as NME, Q or Mojo. Jamie: I think, those am okay. They are bl? but those always were bl? VV: It does not make a sense to hypen only something in order to then killen it sp?r. Jamie: They will always hold to the idea: "which is this year cool and which is n?stes year no longer cool". And then the Hype does not take yet times one year, but only a condemned week. VV: They invent bl? Names f?eine new scene and throw different of volume into a drawer. Jamie: But to be around honest, the NME was up to now always good to us. It is unfortunate that it is the only relevant, w?entliche music magazine in England. But which we are to do against it. The advantage of this magazine is that it is always current and fresh. The disadvantage is that one has each week a new scene and it becomes simply too much. I have already often in other L?ern go?, that the English press has completely a bad reputation. Fr?r gave it still to sounds and Melody Maker. VV: At that time the newspapers had still competition. One needs a competition, so that there can be a balance. Jamie: Many of these magazines pay attention only to their sales figures and wait for by a gr?ren company to be bought. Some music magazines are in the meantime broke and accordingly reacted the NME. They became gr?r and to write since then only Bl?inn, exactly the same as Smash hit (the English BRAVO, Anm. They take even Britney Spears on the Cover to only sell in order still more copies. VV: That is like that, when w?e give it to MTV as magazine. One sees it also with MTV. They show fewer videos and daf?mehr of this Reality-TV-show. Whereupon they hang-worked and I genius? it also to look these things. I wei? it is stupid, but it is shallow maintenance. The people are stupid and bl? but that is our current society, and therefore it is a good documentation. The Kills - "Keep on Your Mean Side"

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