07 March 2008

Free gross pictures

New Solidarit?37/2004:Physi?onomie - an example f?die application of the LaRouche Wirtschaftsmodells from the year 1986 October at 16 o'clock live from Berlin * * *. * * * InterNet forum with Lyndon LaRouche of 17. * * * on Wednesdays live at 19 o'clock: The Zepp-LaRouche-show * * *. an example f?die use of the LaRouche Wirtschaftsmodells from the year 1986 of Ralf shower hammer and Jonathan threshing floor tree. The alternative to state failure and smashing the welfare state (Hartz IV, health reform etc.. Step mu?die physical?onomie of Leibniz, cunning and LaRouche to the failed neoliberalen economic theory and its Shareholder VALUE excesses to the place. The term of the "Energieflu?ichte". For some years so-called?nometrische models with increasing skepticism are regarded, and out good reason: They are suited to mostly nothing. Too often the prognoses provided with these models proved as wrong. An exception forms the LaRouche restaurant economics, whose analyses straight were correctly with crucial politico-economic interferences of the last years always. The?ichen economic forecasts have to k?fen with two problems. First of all they express mostly political objectives and are only after the form objective restaurant forecasts. A notorious example f?diesen errors are the reports to the club OF Rome. This theory regards the economy wrong-proves as "zero-sums game" from money and Kapitalstr?n. The economy is determined particularly by its technological component. in the?nomischen new high German hie? that, it is "technology driven". With this comparison with a machine mu?jedoch to be stressed from the beginning, da?die economy not "mechanistically" abl?t. The entspr?e of a machine, which repair themselves, improve and can vergr?rn. As the most important parameters of this reproduction process k?en to be determined and measured. The most fundamental parameter f?die successful development of the economy is the relative Bev?erungsdichtepotential already suggested in the previous paragraph. By it however not simply the number of living in each case humans is to be understood. It concerns here?rhaupt not around a scalar, but a geometrical Gr?. F?den instant is enough to determine it however, da?dieser value a very concrete economic meaning has. A part of the Bev?erung at the arbeitsf?gen age produces the material goods verf?aren to consumption (this Gr? is named T). These material goods m?en at least are sufficient, in order to receive the entire Bev?erung (V) and the production plants (C). After departure of these two portions a Surplus remains (with S designates). This with D designated portion consists of the material consumption, which proceeds from the not directly productive Wirtschaftsaktivit?n. In addition necessary tasks z?en such as Krankenh?er, schools, police and Milit? With these simple terms one already is able to recognize the gr?en stupidities which are spread today by some restaurant economics. There for example one states: "environmental protection creates Arbeitspl?e. They create directly no material value. Hei?, Environmental protection is part of D. The values used in environmental protection m?en within the directly productive range of the economy to be compiled. The same?erlegung applies?igens also f?das for health service. That should give those, which make themselves strong in the health sector f?Kostend?fung to think. Thus also the gossip from the "w?chenswerten trend emerges to after nachindustriellen the society" as stupid Geschw?. It is with these simple terms m?ich, which internal dynamics of the economic reproduction process to describe (illustration 2). Exactly similarly to the thermodynamics of machines one will ask: Which spend mu?ich, in order to produce the Surplus S verf?aren for extension '. That is the question about the Verh?nis S'/(C+.V). In a healthy economy its value will rise. At the same time the use of machines will increase gegen?r the employment of manpower, hei?, the Verh?nis C/V rises. Mu?D however more slowly rise than S. of this is nat?ich m?ich only if the material Gesamtaussto?T of the economy rises sufficiently fast. Now it depends to determine this Gr?n exactly f?die different national economies. This proceeding has however the disadvantage, da?sie zwangsl?ig more inaccurately is, there the data under completely different criteria zusammengefa? became. In the illustrations 3 to 7 the Verh?nisse specified above is represented, as they developed f?die Federal Republic since 1960. In particular is the cut the?krise recognizable, because 1975 sank the Nettosurplus S ' from before for instance 90.Mrd..DM per year to a value of somewhat under 50.Mrd. at the beginning of the eighties are this value due to the effects of the American high interest policy and the world debt crisis again over for instance 40.Mrd. the Kapitalintensit? hei? the Verh?nis C/V, does not rise on (illustration 5). That proves, da?ganz in contrast to the ideological shouting of the Gr?n and the SPD too little technological progress in the economy was carried out. That is the price, which we pay to f?den much-praised march into the "after nachindustrielle society". Figurativy spoken the following happened. If we introduce ourselves, our German, restaurant economics "were 1960 a Volkswagen K?r. it functioned not perfectly, 25%. brought the assigned energy however nevertheless on the roadway, and one could drive around gem?ich thereby. That is the "long lasting upswing". It is to be again stressed, da?es only around quite rough data concerns, as it were a first Absch?ung here. This contrast proves simply and simply, how unreasonable it is, to sum in the gross national product indiscriminately all Wirtschaftsaktivit?n. The cigarette advertisement tr? exactly the same to the growth of the gross national product like the Amputation of smoker legs. The legalization of drugs the w?e gross national product suddenly into the H? snap leave. The crucial question mu?doch always its: What tr? a certain Wirtschaftsaktivit?zur improvement of the Reproduktionsf?gkeit of the economy. Who digs a Keynesiani hole and again zusch?en l?, negative work performed. Perhaps it contributed something to the gross national product, but the economy it gesch?gt. With the ann?rungsweisen computation of the rates of the reproduction potential we did now a first step of the LaRouche analysis. Now we continue a step. Therefore it is now at the time to follow to the term which LaRouche describes as "technology function" of the economy. So far the Reproduktionsproze?als became a selbst?licher Proze?beschrieben, which presents itself geometrically as spiral effect. This selbstreflexive Proze?erweitert itself according to the evenly regarded Verh?nissen (illustration 9). If in illustration 9a a kegelf?ige shape of this extension process were gew?t, then this is a bad simplification. The simplification consists of it, da?die effect of the technology was not ber?sichtigt. The technological development affects the economic Reproduktionsproze? A h?res technological level effectuation n?ich, da?dieselbe expansion of the reproduction process in k?erer time to be reached can (illustration 9b). The "Kr?ung" of the hyperpolischen phase space of the reproduction corresponds thus (in second order) selbstreflexiven to the character of the technology. Exactly as with the determination of the growth parameters is to be specified now m?ichst concretely, how one knows the technology function ann?rn. The problem thereby consists being found of it, da?f?eine increasing variety of technological applications and their complex cooperating generally quantifiable Gr?n m?en. That is however not completely so complicated, as it looks on the first Bilck. A first useful Ann?rung supplies for example the energy consumption per head. This value has itself in the process of the mankind development exponentially erh?. The term of the "Energieflu?ichte" one mu?sich however on this first Ann?rung of the technology function do not beschr?en. The most important term, which permits the comparison of different technologies, is achievement leistungs-oder the Energieflu?ichte. This term is used successfully in the technology to the comparison by machines of same type. In the context of the LaRouche analysis it arises in generalized form. The Energieflu?ichte of machines is abgesch?t in the following way. First the most important physical transformation is determined, which characterizes the function of the machine. With a steam engine this function exists in the transformation of the W?eenergie into koh?nte kinetic energy. Then the f?den Energieflu?wirksame Fl?e is determined, which one can regard ann?rungsweise as the place of the main transformation. In the gew?ten example of the steam engine this is simple the Kolbenoberfl?e. a steam engine of 117.kW achievement and a piston diameter of 500.mm a Energieflu?ichte of for instance 595.000.Watt/m. We regard a further example. A modern turning lathe has an engine performance of 3,7.kW. this Fl?e betr? gr?nordnungsm?g a square millimeter. From it f?eine modern turning lathe a Energieflu?ichte of 3.700.000.000.Watt/m results. How already abgedeutet, the meaning of a such Absch?ung lies above all in it, da?man thereby different technologies and/or?r l?ere Zeitr?e meaningfully to compare knows whole technology families. To the application of the concept of the Energieflu?ichte to the "restaurant machine" as whole mu?man still another step continue to go. The Energieflu?ichte is not scalar Gr?, separate arises as "Energieflu?pektrum" (illustration 10). Here the characteristic Energieflu?ichten f?eine today's industrial company arising in the different economic sectors is laid on. Turns out, da?sich different ranges very clearly differentiate. We find for example followed at the lower end of the power density spectrum the private households, of the agriculture and the traffic sector. Whereupon follow the chemical industry, the energy production etc., until schlie?ich the h?sten power densities are reached in the Milit?echnik and the research. Illustration 10 represents the ordinate of the looked for power spectrum?r now the respectively converted quantities to be cleared away m?en. It is quite complex, in addition, very important to determine this picture in its temporal development. In contrast to the situation with the economical data apparent hardly exist aggregated data, which with this task helpfully its k?en. The productive economic sectors are the following: 2) goods-producing trade (it enth? Mining industry, energy and water management as well as processing trade) gegen?r stand the unproductive or indirectly productive ranges, consisting of the used Investitionsg?r correspond to the writings-off in the system of the economical Gesamtrechung, which correct-prove in the FRG to replacement prices are indicated. The materials consumption is a part of the payments in advance, which is not separately proven in the economical Gesamtrechung. A M?ichkeit to out-add the entsprechennden portion from the payments in advance arises as a result of the Ver?entlichungen of the cost structure of the be-producing trade. This factor thus traffic and the agriculture do not enter. Zus?liche of problems arise as a result of it, da?die cost structure statistics in the 70's were changed over here. The factor is therefore f?die years 1975 to 1983 exactly errechnt and preceding years from these values averaged f?die. Writings-off: Stat BuAmt, specialized series of 18, row 1, tab 3. Stat BuAmt, specialized series of 18, row S 5, tab 3. Payments in advance: Stat BuAmt, specialized series of 18, row 1, tab 3. Star BuAmt, specialized series of 18, row S 5, tab 3. Consumption of raw -, auxiliary and fuels (as part of the payments in advance) in the be-producing trade: Stat BuAmt, specialized series of 4, row 4. V are (of the productive ranges produced) material the G?r, which f?den maintenance of the worker (the entire national economy) n?g are. The economical gesamtrechnung proves the private consumption after areas of delivery. Private consumption after areas of delivery: Star BuAmt specialized series of 18, row 1, tab 3. Payments in advance and writings-off of housebuilding: Stat BuAmt specialized series of 18, row 1, tab 3. S computes itself according to S = T-(C+.V), whereby T is equal to the production value of the productive ranges. The computation comes from the same tables as the payments in advance. D enth? (of the productive ranges produced) material the G?r, which f?den maintenance of the production process are spent m?en. The following ranges are to ber?sichtigen: Credit institutes and insurance, other service enterprise, state. F?die of ranges of credit institutes, insurance, other services m?en the writings-off and the part of the payments in advance referred by the productive range to be summed. For the determination of this part the input output tables, which however only f?wenige years stand to the Verf?ng, were used. Economic relations of the state with other sectors: StatAmt telex 18, row 1, tab. payments in advance and writings-off of the not-productive ranges exactly as with productive ranges. Portion of the productive payments in advance: StatAmt telex 18, row 2, input output tables (z. the value results from S ' = S - D CFAKT = CMATK/CVORK (Verh?nis of material costs to that. DSTAT = K?e of the State of f?laufende production and investments, as well as K?e of used plants DFAKT = portion of the K?e from the sectors land and forestry, fishery, energy and water management, mining industry, work. Trade, construction industry, Gro?andel, retail trade, traffic, Nachrichten?rmittlung in the payments in advance of the service sector. K?e from the areas of delivery Landund forestry, fishery, energy and water management, mining industry, work. Trade, construction industry, Gro?andel, retail trade, traffic, Nachrichten?rmittlung, as well as payments in advance and writings-off of the sector flat-letting business. (CVORL+.CVORW+.CVORV) * (CMATK/CVORK) +. (VABSL+.CABSW+.CABSV) = C

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