11 March 2008

Free animal teens sex stories

. sexual catholic & catholic sexual Ethique Beaucoup turn into to sexual pleasure their god and see the exp?ence supr there? of does this life propose?ses disciples, to become ma?es of their?rgie sexual to put it at the service love of God, the sexual ones of the sacerdotal vocation (?e pr?e) or chocolate éclair (?e monk, moniale, monk, nun) notes br?s on the continence and priesthood to become pure and unintermitting according to P?s of the?ise. sex can enrich profond?nt the love between?ux, livr? him-m? it can become worst violences to have fun is activit?exuelle source of wounds, m? purely mental influence durably sexual vagrancy?usse the power of the feeling does not come because of letting go freely our sexualit?omme the animals, we require for love for?e happy age for the sex or age of d?sive construction of its personnalit?inn?t intuitive that the sexualit?st to sacr?sentir in love or an aptitude?e to give two dimensions of the marital love: passion and engagement rel? not only of the power of the feeling but also of a d?sion, a judgement, a social promise of the marital relation by the marriage of chastet?vant the marriage d?ule directly of the id? does cohabitation before the marriage support the divorce family?le irrempla?le of the love that there is happier in the world of apr?la Bienheureuse qu? noblest and most courageous from the man and the woman worship of the sexual pleasure entraine slavery came lib?r each Pape person does not have?onseiller such p??exuel plut?que such other under pr?xte that that causes less contaminations pr?rvatif is not an absolute protection pr?rvatif prot? that which carries it, but not enough the other person impliqu?par the sexual relation situations particuli?ment?isque: virginit?M.. A homosexual person n.est not Letter of Congr?tion for the Worship vocation of the people of homosexual leaning. When it is not guid? it risks d?lopper in behaviors r?essifs and obsessional. It is?hacun of acqu?r the ma?ise of its sexualit?our to make of it a dimension cr?rice of its personnalit?C' is to the parents and?a soci? to help the young people automatically an expression of peace and love is of large a na?t?Erich Fromm, art D ' to like: "the sexual d?r can?e by the hope of conqu?r or of?e conquered. strong, the love in?nt only one among others, has the privil?. majority of people associate in spirit the sexual d?r and the id?de the love, they arrive from there easily?a conclusion erron?qu' they are mutually in love when they d?rent sexualit?eut physically to enrich profond?nt the love between two?ux, but livr??lle-m?, without contr? can intelligence, it as well become worst violences the worst of violences since it is attacked?'? human?e: it is the case for the rape, the p?philie, sexual slavery this turbid and violent share of the sexual instinct not ma?is? In France, approximately a woman on twenty d?are to have? victim of reports/ratios under the constraint, and this, in 67 % of the cases, before 15 years (sexual Behaviors in France, 1993). in certain couples husband? the sexualit?ncontr?e is v?e like an aggression stakes of adolescence - sexualit?acte of love or sexualit?un act of love, that when the individual learned?imer before engaging in sexual intercourse one acquires this maturit?u heart by the contr? of oneself currently, is primarily narcissistic and not relational. Like the pr?se Professor MERRY Henri: "the sexual intercourse pr?ces is not in r?it?ue masturbation between gar?s and girls", since each one seeks, especially, its characteristic. ?e prone: "At is the teenagers and teenagers, there a major need to affirm the virilit?u the f?nit?t they cannot?blir it yet on bases of love report/ratio?' money, the psychological process is the m? that in the prostitution: it is the assertion of its capacity and sound identit?u need without love, even in the m?is, m?. To flatter the teenagers in their making believe that their d?rs sexual constitutes love, it is to dangerously delude them on their clean maturit?d?urner with the types of relations which support the maturation of their caract?, to?avoir the amiti?l' spirit of?ipe. the moral direction, because does it require the contrary honn?t?la loyaut?au, exacerbates the??e, hypocrisy (the play of the s?ction) and d?loppe at the teenager a "forgery me" liked? sex right to have fun, the sex like entertainment and pi? "We are for a funny sex, a sex which is a sympathetic mean of communication, a little as puffs out it", d?arait producing of t?vision (Lib?tion. Apr?le myth na?du "sex is coils", here the cynical myth of the "sex is fun", S?? by. It owes especially?e abundant, diversifi?et, with the expert councils radiodiffus?des. Moreover, it is good march?gr? doesn't N ' exist only one activit?exuelle, m? purely mental, which N ' influences our affectivit?notre aptitude?sur durably a low register m?nnaissance of the sexualit?umaine. Does FREUD, one know indeed that this one does not relate to only the body, but all dimensions of psychism There is not only one activit?exuelle, m? purely mental, which does not influence durably our is m?ris?dans the subconscious and cr?une impressed within the framework of a love v?table, fond?ur the total engagement of the person, this m?anger brings closer the?ux. On the other hand, when the sexualit?st v?e with motivations??es, infantile, it has tendency?iger the d?loppement. pornography is a drug which assigns to million D ' men of their couples by introducing sexual violence there not ma?is?a tendency to?evenir more and more. It is today prouv?ue the pornography functions like a drug a drug on sale free, repr?ntant 25 % of the sales turnover of the press and 40 % of that of the vid? affects in France million men couples, since husbands intoxiqu? either their women d?nt?ssent themselves or project on them the phantasms of violence and of humiliation whose their imaginary is satur?policiers know it and in cons?ence, when they d?uvrent a pornographic stock of mat?el in the residence of one d?nquant sexual pr?m?lors of a searching, this mat?el, consid? like one pi? ?onviction, is. According to a enqu? made in the prisons, 82 % of the p?philes acknowledge the R? d?rminant of the pornography on their pens? and their behaviors. 40 % of the sex murders, the criminal acknowledge to have utilis?u mat?el pornographic right before passing?' act (Meese Commission. In our soci? hyper?tis? the sexual images omnipr?ntes do not influence only the criminals. They all reach us, and sp?alement the children. Is one of the other cons?ences the mont?de the male impotence in the country industrialis? sexual vagrancy?usse the power of the feeling some thinks that a exp?ence in love and sexual abundant is the best means of learning?imer, according to this logic, plus I make love and more I do it with partners diff?nts. publications for young people, like the weekly magazine sexual, plus his m?anger emotional is charg?de memories which emp?ent it to completely invest in a relation D ' love. or are the s?ctrice g?ralement people who feel unable to like and who compensate for their emotional vacuum par. sexual?tions, memories of the sexual exp?ences pass? interf?nt with the exp?ences pr?ntes and future, sometimes m? in the form of images and feelings. sexual partners, plus his m?anger emotional (its heart) is charg?de memories who emp?ent it to invest themselves completely in a relation of love v?table and exclusive. couple is a secret place, that no other person has souill?le lack of sexual exp?ence before the marriage allows the couple mari?e to make together the d?uverte of this garden of d?ces. According to the psychologist Coleen MAST: "In the marriage, the exp?ence and the memories of the relation exaltent the d?r partners of better conna?e and to look further into their relation links together, enriching and stimulating their mutual obligation. and do the memories of the relation exaltent the d?r partners? impliqu?dans of the sexual intercourse pr?ritales can change life into commen?t by the abstinence, thus constituting a "deuxi? virginit?pour pr?rer with is not come because of letting go freely our sexualit?omme the animals, we need love for happy?e one believed that the sexualit?umaine, like the sexualit?nimale. went from oneself, that it was enough to freely let it be expressed so that it was?nouisse normally, and that the cultural interdicts, by r?imant it?ient responsible for all perversions the animal man?n?es sexologists allowed, like Alfred KINSEY, of acqu?r an expert r?tation usurp?d'. Reasonable animal, not that animal a world enters the sexualit?nimale and the sexualit?umaine. The sexualit?nimale is r??tr?pr?s?nt according to the cycle of the seasons, and dirig?exclusivement towards the reproduction. Do the majority of the animals copulate only one or twice in the ann? of mani? tr?br?, and the females are not more comprises a vast mental dimension which in d?rmine orientation. Do the psychoanalysts and the biologists have renonc today? to speak about the sexualit?umaine like do animal instinct, and pr?rent to invite it "impulse", it is -?anger a force which each one directs according to the significance that it gives him, according to mod?s which influence it or of the id?x which have to him? transmitted. or did age of maturation and d?sive construction of its personalit?la sexual instinct make its appearance with the pubert?t did not reach its maturit?u'?a fine adolescence adolescence?it the transition between childhood and it? adult, during whom the maturation of the heart par excellence n?ssitait the discipline of the directions for the sexual exp?ences of invuln?bilit?t of clean omnipotence?et?, our culture exacerbates all the narcissistic, antisocial and self-destroying impulses of the teenager, instead of helping it?' to convey. Tony ANATRELLA, in a soci? "adolescentric" d?abilisantes for the teenagers They are profond?nt propel them in a world of?tions which they do not have the means. They give them the illusion of?e able to like, whereas they seek especially, in the sexual exp?ence, the confirmation of their virilit?u of their then f?nit?deviennent tragic sources of misunderstandings for the teenagers. They constitute a factor of risk pr?minant in the d?essions. 36 % of the teenagers who try to commit suicide have just lived the rupture are not all as much affam?de sex which one tries to make it believe. Report/ratio ACSF of 1993 on the sexual Behaviors in France has r?l?ue: "it? first sexual relation is today on average?7 years for the men and 18 years for the women them premi? sexual exp?ence that under the influence of the environmental pressure, by fear of?e abnormal if they are still. Worse still: 60 % of the girls who had a report/ratio before 15 years and 74 % of those which had it before 14 years have there? pouss? by the threat or the force, either by an adult, or by a teenager more? (does Alan Guttmacher Institute, locate today on average?7 years for the men is thus the logic of the promotion of pr?rvatif at less by the Family planning in Am?que, when one has demand? girls of more than 16 years, having D? have sexual relations, on which sexual subject they would like?e inform? more, a majorit?e 84 % r?ndit: "How to say not without froisser the other that the chastet?st a factor of?ilibre in the young people. A survey r?is?n 1987 by Who' S Who Among American High School Students shows that 73 % of the most powerful?diants. Another?de indicates that the virgin teenagers have six times less risk of suicide, eighteen times less risk of running away, ten times less risk to consume marijuana, and five times less risk of expulsion of the?le, that the teenagers. "the sexual exp?ences, in particular in the young people, are likely to block their d?loppement emotional towards thesexual one. Indeed, while being accustomed?ivre the sexualit?u simple level of the pleasure, one is made gradually unable to live it, m? later, like language and engagement. The sexual d?rs tend?e to crystallize at the stage of the premi?s exp?ences. This is why will a child victim of sexual abuse perp?era adult once, the infantile r?tions Li? ?Souvent, but not always, it will become him-m?. Those which did never it or have d?d?vec succ?d' arr?r are generally?ilibr?pschologiquement than the average, they have? informed and inform?par their parents and they thus do not have anything d?uvert by the buddies or the pornography, cin?s, Internet, radios, DVD, vid?). their close relations recoivent more love and of compr?nsion which they hide because they know by exp?ence, which the succ?dans this mati? imply a prudence rus?qui d?cte. and peacefully does its body want, neither need to praise itself, of all the fa?s, it would not be believed a culpabilit?nconsciente which does not have anything to?oir with the religious interdict, because apart from any moral fault live?is Gospel, it is not a activit?ratifiante, nor developing how much, m? the pa?s are g?s whereas according to them, there is not more evil than to spit by ground or to cut itself. all the chances of perp?er this practice until?Ne has do not believe that the marriage removes the practice of the masturbation, the exp?ence proves the opposite dispos??aire the love. ?haque time or at the m? moment that the temptation of the masturbation pr?nte. is not an ambulance, nor a magic means of gu?r its through sexual and to make joint love?on is not the rem?. who do not correspond?a r?it?es sexual relations couples some and d?uisent the relational vocation of the sex battles against the masturbation can?e gagn?le more easily. Any age, this asc? (fight int?eure) can englu?qui?e pr?es them-m?s minimize the masturbation or m? encourage people?ommunier with the help of act of contrition, not to discuss but to request for them, this warning is worth for almost all p??sexuels for which one finds ap?es until in confessionals) escape of occasions (situations and people with which one knows by exp?ence that one has chances to masturbate or to want to do it)?e dirig?ar his stomach, it is necessary to take the contr?. (je?r = to limit its food or to choose food which offers less pleasure, not by love of the suffering, but by love of the ma?ise of oneself, a must: I? with the bread and?' water, known as it I? who soul? mountains). plut?le d?t of a process of growth, during which the teenager must arrive?a?iser the d?rs of his body, by int?ant them in a project of love v?table. looks at a woman for the d?rer, has D? clerk the adult? in does its heart "condemn also an act as the masturbation which of either implies a d?r sexual covetousness on another person condemns the adult? and the sexual faults and J?s did not come to abolish the 10 commands but to achieve them. and to like, J?s r?te the vision of the sex as a source is not donn?omme a fountain of pleasures of the gifts of God, but they are not donn??' man and?a woman for?e exp?ment?en outside. It is what the first ap?es and the first disciples of J?s included/understood the first chr?ens?ient exemplary for their sexual control and which them puret?ans this field was the cause of conversion. Is Hamman the Everyday life of first sexual on another person an act n?otic, which is the fact of a minorit?' individuals, that does not remove the p??L' exception does not remove the r?e g?rale. majority of the men and women who masturbate make it by thinking?sur the fact that the chr?ens, habit?par the gr.? divine assume a pure sexual life and really diff?nte of those of the pa?s which live in many sexual faults and to require which is the logic of the programs of sexual?cation which are addressed to the young people m? below 14 years as if they do?ient sexually active, d?raient the?e, or booklet, Premi? Time, r?is? with the expenses of the taxpayers, by the Agency Fran?se de Lutte against the AIDS and massively distribu?aux adolescent young people to encourage them?l' activit?exuelle and a propaganda for pr?rvatif.?ant donn?e lack of fiabilit?e this one, this type of sexual?cation is a factor suppl?ntaire of. One encourages the young people?rendre risks mortals, all in their lying on protection that one offers to them. to be convinced of the inciting effect of the programs of sexual?cation, observ?n what relates to the?cation?a contraception in the?les, within the framework of the fight against the pregnancies. in Am?que by the Family planning, these programs have for principal effect an increase of activit?exuelle in the young people and, in cons?ence, an increase in pregnancies (+ 87 %) and abortions (+ 67 %) at the teenagers, are exactly the opposite effect of that pratiqu?contribue to the faintness of the young people in their pr?ntant the sexualit?dolescente as self evident and by d?lorisant the virginit?omme if it?it a catholic tare Tony ANATRELLA warns to us about his objective R?: "One can wonder whether all that is not that a gigantic lure organis?ar adults still fascin?par the sexualit?uv?le. sexually of the children are s?eux dysfunctions of finds derri? all the attempts to initiate the young people with the sex, consists of what the decency, which encourages them?r?rver their puret?exuelle, is the product of a r?essive morals g?ratrice of shame, the "last rampart of hypocrisy. Isn't decency shame, but the intuitive feeling inn?t that the sexualit?st sacr? that it is li?profond?nt within the meaning of our identit?qu' it belongs?' intimit?u couple and that it owes?e. "decency, known as Xavier LACROIX, is guardian of." Is shame, on the other hand, a feeling which na?lorsque our natural decency has? violent one? decency like a natural right, the soci? formerly h?ti punished? romanticism, the love finished by?e synonymous. In the modern spirit, the love belongs exclusively to. To like, it is "to feel" in love, a exp?ence which falls to you above?' improvist, without nothing there being able, then which dispara?tout also myst?eusement (except with the cin?. be opposed?ne another design of the love, that which?it formerly development in the tradition of the marriage chr?en: love not only like feeling, but as like the aptitude?e giving, unconditionally, for the happiness of others, by overcoming its own feelings??es. In this design, the marriage constitutes not so much the desirable result of the love, but its base m?. by opposition?' love-passion, according to the expression of the Denis philosopher of ROUGEMONT, which adds: "But how much men do they know the diff?nce between an obsession which one undergoes and a destiny which one assumes but the two faces of what would owe?e a marital relation?ilibr? the?e aim?reproduit the childish exp?ence of the attachment long term and to sacrifice itself for others is, on the contrary, the gasoline one, d?ulant of a subsidiary attitude, is expressed in gratitude, confidence and the emotional d?ndance (the feeling to be able the other, coming from a parental attitude, results in absolute engagement, the direction of the responsabilit?essentie by the?ux. m? what the child needs the feeling of?rnit?ue gets the caract? absolute and indestructible of the love of his/her parents, the?ux, or the?use, needs the feeling of?rnit?ue gets the total and absolute engagement to him of. This base ensures confidence and the s?rit??ssaires for the gu?son and?nouissement Des. which allows?' marital love to last. The psychologist Erich FROMM?it: "the love should?e primarily an act of volont?la d?sion int?alement entrust my?elle life of another person. To like rel? not only of the power of the feeling but of a d?sion, of a judgement, a promise exprim?ar the marriage, which allows?ne marital relation of acqu?r a social dimension g?ralement begins with the d?r children, but is prolonged?lement in the direction of the responsabilit?ociale. Isn't the significance of the marriage only to strengthen the love of the?ux, by helping them?voluer of "the?eux?ism" which caract?se the honeymoon, towards the direction of their responsabilit?arentale and social one the other, it is to look at together in the m? direction before the marriage d?ule directly of the id? exclusive love, fond?ur absolute engagement all to find it? sister, with whom we will be able to divide. We want to like for the life, and m? if possible. love gives us to this feeling of?rnit?sur the teenagers their fr?sy sexual. The young people whose hope doesn't have? d?uit by the exp?ence of the evil r?nt not of orgy but of exclusive and intense love that the multipartenariat d?uche on the vacuum and the d?ut. the maturit?e heart n?ssaire?' to engage for. Its id? of does love remain field of the imaginary one, whereas passion in love works it in its flesh to make co?ider both, while giving the satisfaction of its d?rs. It is the id? of its marriage which enables him to remain pure for its future united before the marriage d?ule directly of the id? love that the cohabitation before the marriage, or marriage?' test, does constitute a good pr?ration with the marriage, even m? a good test before the couples mari?qui have cohabit?vant the marriage have. The free union before the marriage is thus indirectly one of the factors pr?minants of divorce. Is the cohabitation before the marriage a syst? of relation bas?implicitement if not explicitly, on the refusal to engage r?rve a door of exit in the event of difficult?Le marriage, on the contrary, when it is v? like does an engagement until?a died, make it possible to take the means of overcoming the crises and of deepening the unit?u couple?ravers the difficult? because the d?sion is taken, at the moment of the marriage. to test r?er the probl?s which are posed or will be posed, to be able to continue?' to like all the life. Although ext?eurement these two types of relations can seem identical, int?eurement, even m? unconsciously, they to do everything for r?er the probl?s which pr?nteront. on the basis of non-alignment is caught certain practices and, so has much evil?voluer towards this syst? relational diff?nt which is unconditional engagement dating from the d?t of the ann? 80, one posed?es couples not mari?la following question:. "At do the time o?ous have commenc? to live together, it had d?sion there consciously arr?e or the things are they make." Did two thirds (and more men that women) r?ndirent by the deuxi? formulate, the things were done all alone. (Louis Roussel, the dubious Family) can one think that, on such a basis, these couples will be able to last, m? if they marry. The marriage is not tested more than corresponds in the passing of an existence?ne other too much that all adolescence for pr?rer?ette ventures. The marriage is not a refuge towards. Those which do not seek that the s?rit?n love are unable to found a happy couple, even less one. The marriage is a total engagement towards an adventure h??e. Did Charles P?y say the first which the adventurer of modern times is the p? of intitul family? ' art D ' to like, Erich FROMM sugg? that the love is an art which, like all arts, learns the most difficult art and yet more n?ssaire with happiness. a syst? r?essif, but a supporting whole of r?es. Although the r?es morals vary from a culture?' other, some keep a universal value. Does their loss cause the d?dence of civilizations, by depriving the men and the women of the right?' training of the love chastet?vant the marriage and fid?t?ans the marriage are a id? ?nouissant for the individual and a factor. and of d?ntrer?eurs children these virtues which constitute the foundations of their future happiness Indeed family?le irrempla?le of the love, it is above all in the family which art must learn how to like. is love that which we make in our family found a family and to put at the world children is immense a responsabilit?prouv?ue the children who grow in conflict families or breaking? the s?elles emotional ones keep, miss psychological structuring and of rep?s relational and, often, the m?s errors r?tent later than their parents excessive for sexualit?hez the young people is only the r?ltat lack of love and positive direction in the family. m? of all the destructive behaviors of the young people. COUDERC, author of Our children face?a drug, it is especially a family of substitution which certain teenagers seek in by a whole g?ration of intellectuals, protested: "Families. closed Hearths, doors ferm?, jealous possessions ", it expressed in r?it?on exp?ence. The family can, indeed, become a hell, a place of exclusion and oppression, when it is built on the bad ones. How many men and women make some today lasts it exp?ence. Do many children pay to the price of the immature love their parents for the sexualit?arie of a young person?n other following the diff?nces which go from the total impotence?' excitation. the?cation was full with love and tenderness, live malgr?out an intense attraction for the sexualit?la gr.? to channel and of maitriser its sexual life to put it at the service of a love tr?grand but the sensual aspirations of the individuals are tr?diverses, this diversit?st an example among others of the richness of the accomplished cr?ion par. that there is happier in the world of apr?M? Teresa. The people who like fully are what there is happier in the world. We see it well until at poorest they love their children, they like their hearth, they can not have almost anything or m? not to have anything the whole, but they are happy. M? Teresa, Nobel Prize of peace and can?e bient?d?ar?sainte by the catholic?ise. qu? noblest and most courageous of the man and the woman to leave this infernal gears of the family suffering, we can seek, for us-m?s and our children, the id? true, absolute and durable love. It is the qu? noblest and most courageous. And in particular can the true love await its forms of exploitation, of put? and of criminalit?le gangster traffic of the prostitution, "sexual tourism", the rapes, the p?philie, will not have made such great devastations. fight counters "the moral order", sexual laxism has engendr?Pour emp?er very called in question of a worship of the pleasure become almost religion of?at, one seldom hears this v?t?oute simple: best protection against the AIDS is a way of life of front sexual abstinence. Is the Pope the visible chief of a?ise fond?par J?s 2000 years ago, J?s has us enseign?ue gr.? ?ui we could?e receive the force to dominate the bad sexual d?rs. Is any man capable of?e ma?e of his sexualit?personne is not condamn? ?e the slave of his sexual instincts. Also the sentence "those which cannot make differently" is nona direction face?' love of J?s. of men and women, of a share, those and those which would receive the force to direct their life and to put their sex at the service of the love and another share, the unhappy poor domin?et guid?par their sex like a slave by his ma?e. the humanit?n two herds the one dominating its libido, the other slave of the sex, is not catholic nor chr?enne. came lib?r each J?s person brings a lib?tion and a?vation of the dignit?e each man, nobody. But it is necessary to take the means of this combat because it is not a combat which everyone gains, although everyone can. In this fight, the d?t is demanding and difficult. The life chr?enne gets true happiness but it is not a life surface and soft, it comprises the cross?a continuation of. Does the p?or converted in this field, note by the peace of his heart which it has quitt?ne life profond?nt enfonc?dans practices of p??sexuels, to live the love of J?s peacefully whereas so many month or so much ann? previously, food without these bad sexual pleasures had appeared quite simply unthinkable to him by J?s did not hide a tr?r peace and of happiness, there would be no fid? living these doctrines, but there is. It is not majorit?mais it they t?ignent of the r?it?S' there is if little it is that the mass which has exp?ment?' orgasm, before knowing an enthusiastic spiritual life and magnetizes?'?rd of J?s, refuses to believe that J?s can offer a life r?lement happy by granting?e pleasure a quite less place, if not null until the marriage persuade easily that in this mati? they do not have a libert?ils are only the toys of a force which them d?sse. pope does not have?onseiller such p??exuel plut?que such other under pr?xte that that causes less contamination lib?tion of the p??t evil, it does not have as a function to learn to the men how p?er and how to limit the cons?ences to propose to the men safety?rnel and the authentic love. Does everyone know that, for example. the mutual masturbation causes less risk of contamination by the AIDS than sodomy but it is not the R? of the pope of saying?a communuat?omosexuelle: "do you masturbate" liked? a bond between the sex, the marriage and the f?ndit?le pope which is his ambassador cannot, without betraying the Gospel, proposing to the men such type of p??exuel with the women liked? It is normal that it announces the good news of libert?ossible of the man face?a life?tique. like an instrument of hello, even an object of worship scientists show the limits of pr?rvatif as average of pr?rvatif is not an absolute protection In addition to their porosit?les pr?rvatifs pr?ntent rates of rupture and slip which reach until?5 % and more still at young people the f?ier 1992, Science and Life, ao?1993, 50 Million Consumers. by Universit?u Texas, for 100 sexual relations prot?s between s?positif and s?n?tif, the risk of contamination is 18 % in the case of pr?rvatif of good qualit?et of 54 % in of qualit?rdinaire (Social Science and Medicine, June 1993). pr?rvatif prot? that which carries it, but not enough the other person impliqu?par the sexual relation rupture or slip, one knows that during handling, the pr?rvatif risk of?e infect?ur its face external by less s??ons to thread it by taking the m?s pr?utions of asepsis that a surgeon with his rubber glovees. of Acad?e main road of M?cine (the Daily newspaper of M?cin, October 21, 1993) as well as Doctor Joel the PR?OST (the Daily newspaper of M?cin, 6 d?mbre 1993) and Andr?ERNEZ (R?sir. prot? indeed that which carries it, it prot? that situations are particuli?ment?isque cr?une open wound with the rupture of the hymen. from 26 years, it made the turn of the?les and universit?am?caines, for saying to the?diants that that can arrive?out one each one and their adviser: "?outez, to abstain from, it is all?ait. The only sexual relation without risk, it is the abstinence can -?e time to launch of it the infect?par fashion of other diseases (herp? etc. Is the mucous membrane of the rectum perm?le?eaucoup things, not only it lets pass any soluble substance, it is the principle of the suppository. but it leaves m? to pass Des. particles which are thousands of times larger than a virus, it is the principle of the food rectal injection. AIDS in the homosexual mediums case of contamination malgr?' use of pr?rvatif According to the Report/ratio of Doctor Margaret FISCHL?a troisi? Conf?nce Internationale on the AIDS?ashington, in 1987, the two members of a couple, of which one is s?positif and who use the pr?rvatif one, finds both s?positifs in 17 % of the cases (1/6) apr?dix-huit month, if they are informed adults. ?t him-m? s?euses r?rves on the pr?rvatif efficacit?u "more d?utant of all that, in fact, they is that ten years apr?le d?t of the?d?e, we still have a tr?faible compr?nsion of efficacit?Remarquons while passing that the non-fiabilit?u pr?rvatif is known for a long time for what relates to r?le that the pr?rvatif one is ineffective for emp?er the pregnancies between 13,2 % and 27,3 % of the cases?ause in particular. If the pr?rvatifs are also little S? like contraceptives, how can one believe that they will be it against the HIV, which is 450 times smaller than a spermatozo? and. that of the other sexually transmitted diseases (Mr. speaks less because they are not mortals, but of which some have serious cons?ences, as the st?lit?ermanente. on 200 is carrying chronicle of the h?tite B, transmitted mainly by the sexual intercourse, and against which there is not treatment. The h?tite B?nt much more contagious than the AIDS, the pr?rvatif one is l?ncore an illusory protection. the protective rate of pr?rvatif at the time of a sexual relation with a partner which one is unaware of if it is or not s?positif, it would almost be necessary to speak about Russian roulette with a large plut?que barrel. a scandal of a scale even larger than that of blood contamin?yst?tic would allow responsabiliser each one face?Une nobody who knows himself carrying the HIV is morally required to inform his partners, under penalty of being able?e continued sexual and of the multipartenariat militate for this right to remain irresponsible. of policy of syst?tic d?stage is that today in France, according to the estimate of Professor Jean-Marie ANDRIEU, approximately are unaware of that they are carrying the virus, and can thus in all good conscience propagate the disease by their irresponsible behaviors does not have a "nature" pr??nie and relativizes all the behaviors, in the consid?nt like the products of a culture thus the homosexualit?omme an orientation or a sexual choice among. ?nouissante that when it is v?e in conformit?En v?t?nous carry in us one. Absurdity to deny natural laws the myth culturalist is too. It is absurd to deny the natural laws. Nature and Culture must thus exist that when it is v?e in conformit?vec its major nature. of our sexual instinct our family history is d?rmin?par, our mod?s cultural and our code g?tic, it is not less true than all the influences than we receive are not. An individual having grown in a harmonious home environment will be likely all to become h?rosexuel. excessively possessive, are recognized causes of the homosexualit?. A homosexual person n.est not suited to?ecevoir Letter of Congr?tion for the Divine Worship and the Discipline expliqu?ans a homosexual letter, qu.une nobody homosexual or?endance n.est not suited to?ecevoir sacerdotal l.ordination. L.ordination with the diaconate and priesthood, d.hommes homosexual homosexual is absolutely d?nseill?et imprudent. Does a homosexual person or?endance homosexual cons?ent, suited to?ecevoir the sacrament of l.Ordre sacr?C.est this qu.affirme a letter r?g?par Congr?tion Discipline Sacraments publi?dans the last num? (November-d?mbre 2002), bulletin d.information of Congr?tion. According to the letter?ite in Italian?que (of which the name n.est not pr?s?s.est adress? Congr?tion for Clerg?our knowledge s.il?it sacerdotal?es men expressing of the homosexual leanings. Congr?tion for Clerg?dont the pr?t is the Dar?Castrill?Hoyos cardinal, transmitted the request?a Congr?tion for the Divine Worship of the letter (May 16, 2002) had for pr?t the Jorge. cardinal by Jean-Paul II on last 1 October. Congr?tion for the Divine Worship s.est?on turn adress?Doctrine of the Faith, whose pr?t is the cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Congr?tion for the Divine Worship pr?se that its r?nse is bas?sur. l.exp?ence resulting from many causes educated with an aim of d.obtenir the exemption.

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