02 March 2008

Wild daylilies in pa

wildlife pictures, videos and albums wildlife pictures, videos and albums. Wildlife pictures, videos and albums that take you one year to armchair turn of the world we live in. Pictures and albums butt Wildlife published in Jantar, has little village near Baltic Sea, Poland, aug 2002 Wildlife - Birds, Ducks, Quail, Blackneck Swans & etc Ducks, Birds, Gueese, Swans, & etc Wildlife of South Texas and Family. Visit to the zoo -- June 4 2005 Photographs Copyright 2005 Stalemate Weitzel -- Please C not Copy, alter, USA, but redistribute seedlings, animals, bugs, and other interesting things. Wild Life Refuge one Pea Island - Outer Banks We took has visit to the Pea Island Wildlife Refuge one the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Also included are other assorted wildlife that we were whitebait to captures one film from around the Cape Hattera area. National Wildlife from rocky mountain park, Colorado its been has while since I uploaded any photographs, hope ya' ll like these. Im still shooting with my little A85 Gun. LBL Album 2 - Land Between the Lakes, KY The photographs in this album were taken in bays one Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky, gold along the shoreline of Kentucky Lake gold Lake Barkley. We were lucky enough to see bald eagles soaring and some fishing, has coyote running across the road in face of Wildlife photographs taken At gold near Diamond Lake Washington Adventures off the beaten Trail These are photographs that C not belong to any particular event. They mental are just photographs taken one my ' health photo shoot'. They include scenery, nature, colors, Paramount Ranch, movie sets, country roads, Wisconsin, California and other travels. Ducks, Swans, Flowers and such Swans, ducks and other drive waterbirds A Saturday through the Nile To rivet area of the Cascades, just outside of Naches My fishingt and hunting adventures in Washington State. ANNA S HUMMINGBIRDS IN OUR MODESTO, CALIFORNIA BACKYARD Photographs of Anna S Hummingbird' S and other birds in our backyard garden in Modesto, California. We cuts has bird sanctuary, mostly attracting hummers, finches, doves and some hawks that like to eat little birds. We cuts has broad Banks Pink Bush that prot AfriCam-Always Live, Always Wild.The best place for to armchair African Safari. WildEarth Jeep Safari & Djuma Toilets-hole Images of the magnificent wildlife one show during the live Internet WildEarth Jeep Safari' S At Djuma and Vuyatela, Sabi Sands, South Africa. Live image taken from National Geographic Society Wildcam camera streaming At Pete' S Lays, Mashatu Reserve, Botswana, Africa. Natural nature, flowers, birds, animals, weather - flowers, birds, animals, weather. Wildlife of Wisconsin and the Mid-West. These pictures local are taken during our travels and around our area. Single Parry Morton finds himself in very places taking unusual photographs with year unbelievable possitive energy felt by Children & Animals. Closed Hence great ups & Smiles. Landscapes, Sedona Rainbows, SunSets, Waterfalls, Desert Cactus, Mountains, Forest, Majestic Clouds, Nature, Wildlife. Parry' S Photography over the years. ARIZONA - Forests of FIRE - PACK RAT FIRE 8-02 Forest fires started by lighting down in A gully in A pack rat nesting area. Hence the name PACK RAT FIRE. Burning from the MOGOLLON RIM down towards WASHINGTON PARK and several thousands of more acers. Photographs Copy right by Parry Morton Studios 04 rare Some very wildlife photoes Herd of Deer, WILDLIFE, DOE, DOES, BUCK, BUCKS, FAWN, FAWNS, YEARLINGS, DEER, DEER' S. has collective of natural australian photographs, from the outback to the coast More wild creatures I cuts found. Insects and other creepy crawlies Holiday Photographs, Zambia, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Serengheti Bird Sanctuary in Length Island Sound Various animals found in and around Little Rock'n'roll Arkansas United States Kruger National Park, Big Five, South Africa by www Big Five B5- Lion, Elephant, Leopard, Rhino, Buffalo. Photographs taken by travel guests of StormC B&B during April 2004 in the National Kruger Park, South Africa. Big Five B5- Lion, Elephant, Leopard, Rhino, Buffalo. Photographs taken by travel guests of STORMC Wilderness B&B during April 2004 in the National Krueger Park, South Africa. well, we don' T CUTS any woods, goal you know what I mean. Buffalo and other wildlife one Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, Utah Photographs of Flora and fauna of northern Minnesota Big Five, National Krueger Park, Suedafrika by www Big Five B5- Lion, Elephant, Leopard, Rhino, Buffalo. Photographs taken by travel guests of STORMC Wilderness B&B during April 2004 in the National Kruger Park, South Africa. The Junior Staff out west. Animals from one of the Flordia Tourists Attractions. Pictures of Young and Growing Mallards Five miles of winding brig paths along the DuPage To rivet in downtown Naperville. Built by the residents of Naperville to commemorate the city' S 150th birthday in 1981, the Riverwalk features covered bridges, gazebos, playgrounds and has paddleboat quarry. Coastal Washington State & Hoh Rain Forest-Northwest Washington State-Honeymoon Photographs 2003 Coastal Washington State & Hoh Rain Forest. Cut you heard of Kalaloch, Ruby Beach, LaPush and Sol Duke Falls. How butt Wraps Flattery, Lake Ozette, and Rialto Beach. And the Hoh Rain Forest, Hole-in-the-wall and Lake Crescent. scuba diving the fla keys Scenes from Zoo Negara Malaysia PHOTOGRAPHS OF SCENERY, ANIMALS, FARTS, PEOPLE, NATURAL white tail deer, bucks, does. Summer Deer/Fall Deer/Winter Deer. I will Be trying to get many various pictures of animals and outdoor scenery. National Kruger Trans-frontier Park. Buffalo (also known have bison and the bulldozer buffalo, Tatanka) are probably the most symbolic of all the animals in North America. At one time time, vast herds of buffalo roamed the lime pits of North America. Today, buffalo edge still Be found in parks and refu. Various fly, biting crawling and stinging creatures. Some new pictures for February 08 end whales that come around our ship to rub to their bellies.Located off sand island, nova scotia, Canada. Our thanks to everyone who has visited our album and thanks to Webshots for deciding it was worthy of featuring. Views and scenery from South Africa BALD EAGLES - ONE THE KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA. It was year unexpected honor having our album featured one 4-29-2007, so we want to thank everyone who has visited our album and Webshots for choosing to feature it. With small Gray-brown finch with has deeply forked tail, Common Redpolls cuts highly variable plumage characteristics. Spruce Grouse & Boxing ring-necked Pheasant Grandfather Mountain and other mountains around Animal Boone peaks from Tyler Zoo, and Moody Gardens in Texas. Nesting Wrens busily feeding to their Young. Pix taken by my talented daughter Jennifer Photographs from the Black Hills of South Dakota Custer State Park, in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Year Album featuring those furry, nut eating clowns that we affectionately call squirrels. The Perky Little Fucks Warbler Cape Fear Botanical Gardens in Fall Birds who make my yard to their home. Wild Wilderness Drive Through Animals Safari in Wild Wilderness Drive Through Safari-Gentry, Arkansas Contains pictures of South African wildlife Momma bear leads her twin cubs through dense berry-loaded shrubs in Marbling National Park near Athabasca Falls in July. Thursday, january 18th, I drove have few miles down French Creek Road, which runs by the mesa I' m one. These are the results of that 20 drive minute. We cuts has red fox residing in our backyard garden and adjacent woodlands. When we developed our gardens, it was done with the intentions of attracting native wildlife and birds. It is such has joy to look out the breakfast window and simply watch. Natural Effie Yeaw Center in located in Sacramento County in Carmichael. There are trails to walk for wildlife viewing. Natural Beautiful scenes of Alberta, Canada Pictures of insects and animals that I take that I find worthy of actually sharing. Quebec, Canada, Cantons of the east, Easterntownships, Estrie Phtots taken with camera traps 35 mm in Mark' S place and in national Bandipur Park At the end of April, beginning of May Day shots near Kalkere in December 2002. & more than 1000 parrots & reptile shows. Northeast Illinois has excel natural preserves. These are some pictures of things we see all the time one bases. With visit to Arippa in trivandrum district guided by dirtied palode, aswin Alex and dileep.photos look much better than thumbnails Parks and forest preserves in Schaumburg and surrounding areas. Local Other parks and preserves more has couple from the Las Vegas area. Spring, summer, fall and winter in Lisle, IT Vermont and New York State Parks and forest preserves in Schaumburg and surrounding areas. Parks and forest preserves in Schaumburg and surrounding areas. SMALLER LIFE FORMS (INCLUDING FROGS & INSECTS) photographs of snakes, bugs, dragonflies, bees, Frogs, Garter Snakes, Grasshoppers, crabs, insects, and all other small life forms. All photographs of animals and wildlife are taken in A natural setting. Pictures of animals that cuts been in my care.India' S wildlife and tribals, renukoot, hampi, corbett national park.Feathers, Fur, Scales, and Insects too. These are photographs that I' ve taken in our Natural State of Arkansas. I hope you enjoy the beauty of natural ace much have I C. Sour Please Be to sign the guestbook. These are photographs of the Flora and Fauna I witnessed over the summer This eagle is enjoying the "fruits" of his labor one the Kenai To rivet, Alaska Moose Who Have Come A-Calling Various pictures of moose who cuts been to my house gold my neighborhood. The baby moose special are always to see - especially when there are twins. In Grizzly Bear visits our yard. Original Ejoy these enchanting photographs of my travels through out the United States. These are photographs of me out and butt working have has wildlife biologist. William McKinley National Wildlife Refuge, GOLD - April 2007 William McKinley National Wildlife Refuge, GOLD in April of 2007 Other Wisconsin birds and things My photographs from my Aussie wildlife prac Fall in Southwestern New Mexico City (Featured Album 11-27-2006) Golden delicious trees, blue sky and toilets, and birds of all fates surrounded by serene mountains. Also includes side trips to Mogollon, Nm ghosttown and the Catwalk. August of 2005, there were 4 of custom out there: Jim, Craig, Eric and I [ Oleg ]. the trip was amazing to say the least One of the most beautiful zoo' S in Europe (gold the world. The wild life shots At the National Park. National Finley Wildlife Reserve - Oregon. National Finley Wildlife Reserve in Winter - Oregon State More photographs from the National Wildlife Refuge portion of Horicon Marsh. Small park near Lake Mills Wisconsin The Wisconsin operated southern 1/3 of the marsh little squirrels munching one the bird feeders Catherine Pass Trail, Silver Lake, And Doughnut Falls two weeks safari in Maasai Mara, Nakuru, Amboseli and Taita Hills The Eagles of Homer, Alaska, the USA Homer, Alaska is where has broad number of eagles spend the winter. This is the new edition to the wildlife At our neighborhood lays Pics of various wild creatures I cuts photographed in Hollow Dragonflies, Damselflies, Butterflies, Flowers, Plants, & other Wildlife seen one Phillippi River during morning walks Snake Doctors, Mosquito Hawks, Odonata & other Flora and fauna of the Phillippi River Seedlings & Animals seen one morning walks along has shorts stretch of the Phillipi River. Unusual photographs of tree stumps when year 800 mile shoreline lake is low. These are some of my older photographs. See my newer work under the name suzannewi. trees woods forest wildlife flowers lakes rivers sky Pictures from my stay At Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue, Scotland, August 2002. Tanzanian Safari, August 2004, G3 Gun, Crystalvue LX lens rivers, lakes, back roads, wild life and more 60,000 acres of beauty in south central Ohio what has great place to deer hunt Ashley National Park/Flaming Gorge. McKeown and Jessica Dryden-Cook -- near Fishing Bridge, Yellowstone Park. Birds and Parrots of Australia and digital Wildlife Photographs with my new camera My trip to Nitani, in the Tuli block, North East Botswana. Wild adventure photographs of mine from home and around the Word. - All photographs are Copyright protected - MFL - Wildlife like Beaver and Ducks are never far away when you Kayak in Maine Hiking Backpacking Rocky Mountain National Park Trip to Rocky Mountain National Park More current shots At Safari West including 2-day Old baby giraffe, born Aug 12, 2007. One walks through my neighborhood and local areas, these are some of the things I see. South (ern) African Wildlife, Nature and Scenery (3) South (ern) African Wildlife, Nature and Scenery At my bird feeder and around the homestead. Birds caught in El El Salvador during monitoring project Located in Mid-Vancouver Island, British Columbia These are photograhps of animals that I cuts been scouted for over the years. The Chipmonks of Fuertaventura, Canary Islands. Spring Wild and Garden Flowers, birds, etc. Lions and Tigers and Bears(and batches of other animals, too)-Oh my. Animal photographs from the Sacramento Zoo, the San Francisco Zoo, and Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. My shots of animals in Blijdorp Rotterdam zoo. With really big, gnarley spider I found in my yard. Conifer - All Fates of Birds & Other Critters A Work in Progress have I will Be Adding Photos have They Come Along The dates was 09-02-2008 and it was has beautiful frosty morning. There this gorgeous frosty morn I took is few peaks between the hours of 7.Shoulda worn gloves have to me fingies near froze. Scenery People Wildlife Critters Animals Beaches Travel Northwest North America Washington Wildlife captured one pictures from my many travels. Some poses, some are really shy. West ARM of Lake Nipissing, my absolutely favourite place Mother bear and 3 cubs in the yard Ducks & Geese lived happily one the Woodbridge Lake Wildlife from the Rocky Mountains 2006: Linda' S City Back Yard Zoo Linda & Reg live in the City with woods around them. They now eat Deer Pelets. Wildlife, Deer, Elk, Animals, Southwest Day 2 of has furnace day trip one the Appalachian Trail in Northern Georgia Lewis the Swan, Charles River, Waltham, MA African Wildlife, Big Six 2000, South Africa Big Six, Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Buffalo, Rhino and Hippo in Southern Africa African Wildlife, South Africa by www Wildlife photographs from South Africa and Botswana in Africa by Tour guests of STORMC Wilderness B&B from the Garden Route, South Africa. Wilderness, Garden Road, Western Wrap, South Africa by www Wilderness is the Garden Route area At the southern tip of Africa 400km east of Cape Town. Sun City and Lost City, South Africa by www Tour to has Thabazimbi Game Farm, the Lost City and Sun City Holiday Resort, South Africa. Travel Turn by the guests of 42 StormC Wilderness B&B, Garden Road, South Africa. Pictures of exotic animals captured one our trip to this central Florida wildlife park. These are taken in various places.All Tiger Pictures were taken by Greg, and quite frankly I' m jealous of those. Wildlife pictures taken with my Nikon CP8700 Nature/wildlife/friends/ faces/scenery ducks geese and other wild birds Photos I cuts taken wandering through Michigan Red Wing Blackbirds in my Blue Springs, Missouri face yard, 2007. The Best Japanese Garden in Western Washington Lion Country is 3 miles from our home in Loxahatchee, FL. Quick photographs from two hours we spent there one 1/12/08. those natural are some of great peaks that i' ve recently found natural More good peaks with. Digital Wildlife in all her beauty made with my camera digital Made with my camera in Zoo' S in Holland Photographs taken At Gatorland park, have well have around the hotel in Orlando, Florida (3/2001) Photographs taken At Gatorland park, have well have around the hotel in Orlando, Florida (3/2001) DIGITAL pictures I made in the Zoo' S Burgers Arnhem and Ouwehand Rhenen in Holland. Digital My pictures made in the Zoo' S of Holland More wildlife have seen in wild and in the Zoo. Yew you like you edge uses them. some of the wildlife here in our beautiful country A family of deer regularly visit our yard and cuts become very familiar with custom. Even allowing custom to hand feed them. Other people who cuts tried to hand feed them cuts just scared them off. Different deer cuts to their favorite foods. These are pictures of my trips to several Wildlife Refuges African Travels to Mana Pools in Zimbabwe, Easter 2006 Another album with anymals big and small. You edge download them yew you like them. Caspian Sea North, Wildlife and Panorama This park let the Monkey' S and other Animals free have much have it is possible. You edge cuts one one your shoulder yew the Monkey likes you. It is has very Nice park have well for the Monkey' S have well for people. Took has drive up to Hagerman for has few hours. great place to see the birds have the migrate. Vermont Foliage, Gooses and Mooses. Spirit of the Wild Photo Exhibition Outdoor exhibitionof wildlife photographs At Leeds, Millennium Public garden. Wildlife that has come to visit my backyard I try to collect animals peaks in this album.you edge see them and enjoy that. Meet Apache, Aitka, Lukas and Kyla At NYWolf. African Safari [ Florida- Spring Station-wagon ] In Florida one the "African Safari" - - wildlife. All monkeys featured in this album are wild monkeys from Indonesia, Malaysia & India. This wildlife park has the most wonderful collection of animals and birds all in natural surroundings. The birds are in year aviary called Jewels of the Forest and not having names for many I cuts simply called them jewels. Some photographs are not good B Spring Wildlife Before The April 2003 Storm Deer, phesant and even has bluebird cam to visit before April brought custom another foot of snow. Hog Hunting At the Bug Scuffle Ranch Geezer Rangers archery longbow hog hunting trip to the Bug Scuffle Ranch 85 miles west of San Antonio, TX in Vanderpool. California Wildflowers - Playa Vista Wild Life Sanctuary Playa Vista Fresh Marsh Toilets. Natural Slamonier Park is in Newfoundland, Canada. The park cares for injured wild animals that cannot Be released into the wild. July 30 visit to the Bronx Zoo Peaks of has tiny toad, visiting the lays fotos taken in and around Brugges Some of the local wild life found one beautiful manitoulin island Ducks, Swans, Birds, fowl, poultry and valious wild life Animal pictures and scenery taken At Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas. Nature shots, flowers, wildlife, but any thing of beauty that captures our eyes. Cute animals and funny scences of animals This album is for anything to C with the sky, sunset and natural, and clouds Gorgeous garden, natural floral trail and images. Wildlife Images 8 Black Bears and Grizzly Foxes of San Juan Island, Washington State Scenery & Natural Wildlife, Fox photographs taken above South Beach there the South Meadow, it' S not is zoo gold preserve. I' m upset that they' Re talking of poisoning the rabbits, to save has weed. Live The foxes in the same abandoned holes. pictures of animals that roam Illinois Pictures of wildlife, everything from dogs to insects and frogs and butterflies, cats, bees, sea lions. Pictures dealing with seedlings and trees, outdoor scenery. I cuts prints available for all of my work in the following sizes: 8x10, 8x12, 11x14 and 12x18. For more information and pricing of my prints, e-mail me At Howellsproducts@gmail. Sea lions sunbathing one the docks in the bay At Newport, Oregon. I cuts prints available for all of my work in the following sizes: 8x10, 8x12, 11x14 and 12x18. For more information and pricing of my prints, e-mail me At Howellsproducts@gmail. Heron, Gulls & Other Shore Birds Orcas of San Juan Island, all taken from Shore MSC natureconservation in Hluhluwe Game Reserve, KwaZuluNatal, South Africa. These pictures are different spieces that were caught and banded in our 5 acres of Land flowers, wildlife, nature, zoo animals, sunsets Wildlife and scenic photographs of our trip to Yellowstone, Tetons & Glacier. Photographs taken At DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge Waterfalls 2 (old pictures are under the profiles RYANADIDAS) pictures from the many waterfalls that I frequent in the upstate of south carolina and some in NC WARP07 students visit the wildlife park near MT Ranier. Our road trip through the Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Alamosa, CO and Black Canyon of the Gunnison, CO Here are some of the creatures that I' ve seen while in Washington. With brave man squirrel climbed up the tree and onto our 2nd floor balcony. He was curious and brave man enough to poses for has few pictures. Various Macro shots through Summer Flowers and Wildlife macro shots SWick Zoo with Mack and Brett Indian Springs State Park - Flovilla, GA One of Georgia' S many beautiful State Parks A variety of different settings from beaches, to lakes, to marshes, etc. Views of this National Trust Park and garden 8 yr-old Large-daughter Deanna coil to take pictures and I think she' S Great. Critters of all fates, shapes and sizes. Henry Doorly Zoo and other wildlife A wonderful adventure through has wildlife reserve run by the Amish near Walnut Creek, OH. wetlands of the great salt lake south Shore Wetlands of the Great Salt Lake, South Shore The great Malabar shootng spree The jungle trail from angamuzhi to gavi and beyond. and the sightings one the way. The sounds, the smells, and the silence of the noises - Beautiful. Out and butt one has lazy Sunday afternoon you never know what you' ll encounter. These are the gems I collected that day. May 4-6 is Barberton' S 50th celebration of the Cherry Blossom Festival with parade, games, wrinkles and fun for all. The Barn Restoring and Grounds The Barn is has quaint restaurant with has park-like setting one has small lake located one Rte 585 between Smithville and Wooster, Ohio. After your delicious home cooked style dinner you edge stroll the grounds visiting the shops next door gold sit has spell one the S Out and butt one has beautiful Sunday afternoon. Through my eyes, Fishing Creek, Orangeville, Pa Wildlife photographs taken one the banks of Fishing Creek, Orangeville Pa Pictures of the West and South African coasts: The cities, jungles, wildlife and scenery. Photographs from Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Scenic and Wildlife photography from around the Pacific Northwest. Wild Horses of Vernon Parish Louisiana II Wild Horses of Vernon Parish Louisiana Wildlife Photography of Paul Franciskato, featuring animal pictures from PrintPhotography. Stalking our face porch birdfeeder one Sunday 17, 2008 The sound of 100 plus Wild Turkey. Local Mainly pictures of insects, butterflies and moths seen one the island one visits during May 2000 and May 2004 This is my personal photo diary of my life and images (my view of the world) Photographs taken one various game farms. Wildlife around Rubery and Rednal. With few photographs of birds I took in California, June ' 05 & Aug ' 07. The later date I used my Canon Rebel XT with has Canon 75-300 mm IS lens. With day cruise in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Natural This gallery displays 65 highlights of my, wildlife and other miscellaneous photography from the past few years. This is by No means all of my photography. there are literally thousands more photographs one my website, www Baby ducks one Lake Lookout Shoals, North Carolina, June 2007 I decided to continues with the challenge. Natural Last year my hand theme was, this year I' m opening my options to anything At all. ALL THESE PHOTOGRAPHS ARE COPYWRIGHTED, UPLOAD FOR PERSONAL USES ONLY.com/roxywrites - The numbers in these pictures are messed up, just ign. Birds that call Toronto, Canada home. Photographs from the Africa safari trip Scenic Photographs of Westwinds Ranch in Virginia. animals-lions, tigers and etc. I recently grinds my bike to the FortWhyte Nature Center one the southwest edge of Winnipeg, (28.5 kms roundtrip) and these are some of the photographs I took along the way. Activities At FortWhyte Alive in the winter and in the spring. Deer and Wildlife in our yard. Live We in A very congested area so this is actually very sad to see. I' ve been watching mom, daughter, and its now for butt 2 years, it' S been neat watching the babies grow.Now I cuts has few buck that come around for has meal An afternoon outing to take some senic pictures in Watkins Glen, NY The Inter/Sub-Tidal Zone Photographs from the Monterey' S intertidal zone loads of good pictures of various animals Things Robert gets to see At work. Canadian Geese and Winter Scenery.06 while snow was falling in the area. Alligators are handled to check for wounds gold for treatment. It may look rough, goal is for the well being of the animals. This album shows has demo, among other cool things. various peaks will Be added here of wildlife Photos of some animals I photographed while one holiday. Photographs of cows, horses and wildlife in the Prairie birds and outhers that I cuts taken Me and the Wildlife At Bear Hollow Zoo. With variety of photographs, with No particular theme. Pictures of the squirrels that are visiting our yard. Snorkel with the Manatees and visit to Homosassa Springs Park. Tennesaw mobile To rivet Delta WILDLIFE October 2006 Shots of wildlife taken during boat wrinkle one Mobile Tennesaw To rivet Delta in Alabama. Photgraphs of Panna National Park situated near khajuraho india. Wildlife photographs taken At Weeki Wachee Springs, Florida, Spring, 2000 Just has bunch of pictures of taken of our Land, the sunsets, lay, fields, etc. Photographs of animal life in and around my backyard. What it looks like where we are. More pretty toilets, trees, flowers and the like Snaps from has visit to Jungle Lodges and Resorts in India peaks for posting in realtree forums Renee, Chris and Brandi went to the Bronx Zoo one 05/31/05 Share II of our Trip to the Bronx Zoo pictures of animals At the ery zoo. Birds of Zambia, Edge you name them. With collection of birds from National Luangwa Park in Zambia Cows Cows and more Cows Cows out beside my house, Pure Country. Playing with the opinions one my new camera. This Album is for all of my Friends All around the World. Stephanie playing with has Squirrel baby. DaN Nicholas Park Salisbury, North Carolina Ducks and Geese and Fish At the Park. DaN Nicholas Park Salisbury, North Carolina Black Bears,, and other critters and flowers, and. With little closer look At God' S wonderful ducks creations in our garden and recent stream A trip I made to the Oden State Fish Hatchery north of Petoskey. One of six state hatcheries the Oden facility specializes in Rainbow and Brown Trout, producing around 1 million per year. Karen and Natural Pauls' Scenery and: Wildlife. All Wildlife photographs are of Wild animals. There are No Zoo animals here Qadeer Ahmad Rana ' S Online Photo Album Trip to National Akagera Park (Rwanda) Photographs of mountain gorillas, National Akagera Park, crowned craniums and more. Pictures of deer taken with game camwoods The Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch, in Austin, TX. One of the finest Zoos in the world, right in the heart of the Bronx, New York. Photographs of has Black Bear taken one my face lawn during the summer of 2006. I found out At the end of the season that this was has female. She was very gentle and timid, and I enjoyed her visits. Photographs of has Black Bear taken one my face lawn during the summer of 2006. I found out At the end of the season that this was has female. She was very gentle and timid, and I enjoyed her visits. Photographs from the zoo Nordens Ark in southwest Sweden. Native This park work with endangered animals and Swedish breeds. Video Clips of Garden Birds taken in 2006. These clips were taken with has digital camcorder, so the quality is much better than the Memory Stick clips. This album contains video clips of has Broad-Winged Hawk eating its kill. You cannot see what the hawk is eating, goal it may Be disturbing to some people. Kayaking with Orcas, Vancouver Island This was has fabulous trip up to Vancouver Island and kayaking with the Orcas. These video are clips taken with has new webcam during 2007. The clips are of all species of Garden Birds. Video Clips of Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds taken in Montague NJ during the 2007 season. VIDEOS of Rodent, Bird, Pet and other natural Wildlife by dhamstermd Videos of and wildlife subjects. Photographs of has Black Bear taken one my face lawn during the summer of 2006. I found out At the end of the season that this was has female. She was very gentle and timid, and I enjoyed her visits. Photographs of has Black Bear taken one my face lawn during the summer of 2006. I found out At the end of the season that this was has female. She was very gentle and timid, and I enjoyed her visits. Photographs of has Black Bear taken one my face lawn during the summer of 2006. I found out At the end of the season that this was has female. She was very gentle and timid, and I enjoyed her visits. Photographs of has Black Bear taken one my face lawn during the summer of 2006. I found out At the end of the season that this was has female. She was very gentle and timid, and I enjoyed her visits. Photographs of various wild animals in Tunisia Photographs of Garden Birds taken in Montague, NJ during the summer of 2006 Video clip of have Red Squirrel munching down one suet. Clip was taken one has memory stick 07/09/07 in Montague, NJ. Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds taken in Montague NJ during the summer of 2007 photographs of mountains and lakes in the US western All around Ottawa, Ontario and Quebec Peaks of the snow here in Drayton, S. Skinny Little Red Fox in Downtown Anchorage Collection of Pictures Taken At Perth Zoo in Western Australia one November 1, 2003 Injured gold orphaned animals that come into captive custody with the hopes of returning them back to the wild. different animals from africa and other places Pictures of wildlife At flamingo gardens At Strong Lauderdale florida Pictures I cuts taken of the Flora and fauna in our area. Some of the natural most beautyfull coloured animals are insects. I cuts been one has journey in the Danish landscaape to find all of these for you to watch. photographs of birds taken in San Diego Zoo DEC Photographs of animals taken in San Diego Zoo, DEC all these moths are photographed in my garden Lowry Park Zoo, Tampa, Florida The Beauty Of Hidden Lake, Colorado Caribbean, Florida, Hawaii Beaches/Waves DVD Previews. The DVD quality is has batch higher than these small overblown up clips. LOOK for HI REZ CLIP for better quality At the E Savannah, Ga Trees & Wildlife- spring/winter Riverbank Zoo Columbia South Carolina Trip to the Riverbank Zoo in Columbia SC. My trip to the Atlanta Georgia Zoo fz10 and fz20 California Coastal Wild things. Thanks to the comunity from which I took ideas and my art ability to create these idealistic scenes which only exist in my imagination. Photographs taken in Tenn and Florida United Kingdom Natural and Wildlife. Here are some pictures of my successful deer hunts. I hunt both the archery and firearm let us seasons. Massachusetts shots, mainly of Essex County near Salem, final Massachusetts of remaining wooded areas and fauna pictures of waterfalls, wildflowers and mount Scott. Pictures from wildlife refuge of longhorn steers and buffalo and meadow dogs. Whitetail Deer herd in velvet made with my digital still camera The awesome beauty of Death Valley Pictures of Death Valley National Park (shot with Olympus OM-1 and -2N will cameras) These pictures are foxes that live just down the hill from my back door. Pictures taken across the Tennessee stateline, some pictures of deer we seen along the backroads, and has few scenes of natural. Nature shots taken in and around BC. Egrets & Herons, wildlife, toilets birds, scenic, natural Pictures from has local safari park Nitinat adventure one Vancouver Island in search of wildlife Christmas & Winter Season December 2007 through 2008 Donkeys one the Prairie/Prairie Animals #11 passed some donkeys one the meadow one the way back from Casper, and some antelope from more recent times wildlife, birds, ducks, squirrels, rabbits, insects, butterflies, deer, wild dogs At Playa Aventuras, Playa LED Carmen, Mexico City A morning At has small, open zoo. Whidbey island Bald Eagles one the beach. The many moods outside my window clouds and sky, storms sunsets and sunrises. deer, goslings, mink, geese, ducks, birds, let us racoons, eagles, squirrels, rabbits, wildlife, animals Some pictures made in May 04 from Khaya and from Kruger. There is trip to eastern Washington we enjoyrd seeing has mama great horned owl and her two fledlings. Mourning Dove Brooding and other natural shots. Mourning Dove brooding, landscapes, flowers, birds and etc. From Khaya Mpunzi At Marloth Park in Mpumalanga, South Africa Wildlife Around the Our Yard Curved Tip&Shield feeding Syringe. With lovely day out in Whitlingham Broad, Sunday 29th July 2007. We were watching has dragon boat competion when this wonderful family of swans cam bye. Pictures from around my house - deer, flowers, wild turkeys, etc. Dixie, Gilchrist and Levy counties are has perfect, unspoiled habitat for Florida wildlife. Pictures from Cameron Park Zoo in Waco, Texas One of our favorite place to hike is Barr Lake, which is butt has 20 drive minute from our home. It is full of beautiful scenery, natural and wildlife. dog friendly accomodation in Capertee Valley - wonderful scenery, photography, artists delight, bird watchers paradise - walking, hiking, safe for kids. Glen Davis is the other side of Newnes has shale mining town which was abandoned. You edge stay in one of two housed one the site - contact is www He visited me February 19 when the to rivet flooded in my backyard. There local are many other critters in this album. This is has new collection, begun March 21 - first full day of spring. I will add flowers, birds and animals have they appear. Squirrels & chipmunks (in the minority) from my backyard & local area. I took has BATCH of New Year' S shots. Those squirrels never seem to sleep. Several portraits are very similar. I was experimenting with light, contrast etc. Great Salt Lake & Antelope Island, Promontory Not. Common in South America in disturbed habitats in the lowlands. Most of these shots will explores light and textural elements, often with the same subject from slightly different angles. With collection of my photographs of whodunnit Bears from Chruchill Manitoba If you like these pcitures gold download them please leave has message in my guestbook, thanks. Film shot At Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, MANDELEVIUM. Stats Photograph: Camera Olympus OM-1, Lens Kalimar 500mm f8, Kodak 200 ASA. Eagle, Ospry, and Misc wildlife. Photographs taken in Burligton, Ontario in February 1-2, 2005 This album has been captured in the moments of AWE. These I consider is one natural best, sunsets, wildlife, and waterfalls, Oregon has to offer. I amndt hoping to broaden my album to other areas have I just happen to stumble upon something that I feel is Pictures taken with year infrared webcam have well have has digital of animals that come to and through my window.(I coined the sentence Critter Cam before it cam out one TV) All of these so far are taken in Oakland, Ca-mostly At my home. With virtual walk through the forest Pictures taken in the Butterflies Sancturay near Guelph one Feb. These selection of photographs are more for interest than anything else, goal feel free to critisize. (from the song ' Like has Seagull'). Most of the pictures were taken At Shores Ocean, Washington state. Took turn of Kennedy Space Center and whent to Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge This 723-acre park has has little bit of everything: lakes, trails, meadows and plenty of animals. Northwest Trek is home to more than 200 North American animals. Closed-ups and Macro shots of insects. Fowl Families- Ducks and Geese New England Toilets Fowl and to their Families. The most difficult subject I' ve ever tried to captures and continues to try. Thousands of pictures cuts met the delete short prop. These are my best non-desktop friendly photographs backpacking, wildlife, North Gate canyon, North Platte to rivet A look local At one of our Nature Preserves These photographs were taken one several different trips to the NC Zoo in 2004. National glacier Park and Flathead Valley area. Feathered fauna in all to their beauty All Creatures Great and Small All Creatures Great and Small 2. Chattaway' S Restraunt & Strong DeSoto trips Out and Butt in Maryborough Vic. Petersburg, FL of Lake Timucuasm and the birds that edge Be found around it. Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Little Blue Heron, Anhinga, White Ibis, Wood Stork, Common Moorhen, Muscovy, Mottled Duck Before heading to the Botanical Gardens in Largo, we spotted year Osprey not far from our home flying over has lake, stopped for has photo C$op. Then off to Largo to see the gardens Our day trip to Dunedin where Honeymoon Island State Park is located one the GULF of Mexico City. It was has sunny, kinda hazy over the GULF, hot Landscapes with tame gold wild animals Highways In The Skies ~ Crane Festival ~ Creamer' S Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge. Sandhill Craniums, Canadian Geese, Mallard Ducks and many other migratory waterfowl are able by the thousands in Fairbanks Alaska one to their annual migration south. My collecton butt still images and other living room creatures. Geelhoed Herkingen Netherlands Sign my guestbook thank you Great Natural Pictures, Animals, Flowers, Horses, Birds Parks, Farms, Garden, Flowers, Elk, Horses, Wildlife Wildlife, Horses, Sky, Storm, Flowers, Garden Pictures from the wildlife park Langedrag in Norway macro shots of dragon flies and damsel flies. Cross-country race Stitch Patterns Wildlife, Animals The life in my garden, there is so much to see with the eye of the camera. Riverside State Park, Spokane, Washington. Shots of Yellowstone, Glacier and Alaska scenery and wildlife. Other National Parks of the US and Canada have well Some scenic photographs taken in and around Rockaway Beach, NY This beautiful elk was in the wildlife refuge, At the Land Between the Lakes, Ky. These are winter scenes in and around the community of Sedalia. National Everglades Park & Florida Keys. Digital This has several imaages that were shot with will cameras. My year have Assistant Research Coordinator with Frontier Tanzania Savannah Research Programme. Balboa Park in Van Nuys, CA is has wonderful place to watch the local wildlife. Animals from North Carolina - A hodge-podge group of photographs I' ve taken of animals, insects, etc found in North Carolina, our home state. With few peaks from our family' S Summer trip to the Columbia Zoo in Columbia, SC. Pictures from has variety of state, county and city parks in Florida My favorite shots of hummingbirds from my yard and travels through CA and AZ. I took these pictures during has walk along the the Ruhr to rivet in the conservation area. and first heavily overcast, so the photographs are different in lighting. All photo' S taken with has digital camera An album of natural scenes and wildlife. Images captured off of the webcams from africam. Pictures of things in and around Bristol-board, Tn Pictures from the Wildlife Sancutary off of George St canadian geese back from to their winter resting place These are not always the best shots, have I don' T cuts luck of wildlife going one parades when I' m around. Photographs from around Okinawa, Japan. Photo' S from Animal Kingdom and Local Wi. Our first, goal not last, visit to Aruba. The colors could never Be totally captured by has camera. With small island with has big heart. More peaks of the birds and other critters that come to visit the feeders & bird baths in my yard. Photographs taken during Project Feederwatch 2006-2007 and the Great Backyard Bird Count 2007. New wildlife picture we cuts taken for spring 2007. During winter the Keas tightens to spend most of to their time At the lower altitudes where food is More feathered and furry friends in my backyard. Year assortment of closed-up shots taken throughout my garden. Project FeederWatch is has winter-length survey of birds that visit feeders At backyards, nature centers, community areas, & other local in North America. It helps scientists track movements of winter bird populations & length-term trends in bird distributio Just pictures I cuts taken lately Foto' S gemaakt met will filmcamera in daN gedigitaliseerd, Pictures used for Role-playing and other stuff. the only largest tiger park of world Pictures of the deer and elk that live with custom in Colorado We saw has batch more birds, goal only managed to get has few good peaks. And saw also dollarbird, kingfisher, eagles, bulbuls, will herons, cuckoos, etc Photo' S of animals taken in the area of West Essex County, NJ. These are some of the babies we care for here At WRR. Bees and Wasps At Work (just another busy day At the office) Some of the pictures in this album were previously published in my Insects album (see member ykarelic2) Share of the bunny population, in Nelson, NV. We hope this album will tell the story. My time working At WRR in the big old state of Texas. The babies are becoming teens. and new (late spring) babies are coming soon. Garden Wildlife and animal friends that visit our garden. My last month here in the the USA At Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Buffalo Not, Buffalo National To rivet, Arkansas July 2007, trip to Glacier, has wonderful spring there. Birds, from around the world. Reflect One The Union Channel Tunnel The Union Channel was used For shipping goods one boats. It' S In Lebanon County In The City of Lebanon. Pheasant Stocking Tyringham Valley Massachusetts Photos that I cuts taken animal At various parks and aquariums. Out and butt with Silverstreak here in beautiful Northumberland. Birds and Ducks photographed At the wildlife trust park in Washington the Tyne & wear U Drive through Animal Safari in Prick Mountain, Georgia A collection of wildlife scenery and natural images taken At the Farne Islands off the coast of Northumberland U.com/globalphotosite/1584970 Come one in and learn wildlife photography free tips N tricks has Wildlife from Whitley bay and Preston cemeteries. Day Butterfly Conservatory At Callaway Gardens, Georgia Butterfly Conservatory At Callaway Gardens in Mountain Prick, Georgia May 1, 2003 Some of the pictures we took, one our ' roadtrip' through the Smokies in May 2002. Two new destinations to share here in Northumberland. Of curse my backyard is the Rainforest of southern Mexico City. [ C anybody know the names I of which know. Wild life, in and out of captivity Animals At the San Diego Zoo The "Hurricane Year" brought some surprised natural of. Native Beside the species there were Butterflies & Moth never seen here before.They were among the survivers of ' Emily' And Wilma trough fewer in number. Now they are back in full force. Images from the Bayous & swamps of Louisiana by award winning photojournalist Keith Skinner.com for more images from this series wildlife, yellowstone, bison, baby animals. San Diego wild animal park Day trip to San Deigo Wild Animal Park. Grogeous weather, beautiful animals, tone of fun. CAPE TORMENTS NATIONAL WILDLIFE AREA Cape Tourmente National Wildlife Area in Quebec, Canada. This staging area for the Greater Snow Goose is has shining example of successful efforts to protect year essential heritage site. The population was only butt 3000 birds At the beginning of the century More of Wyoming and how I see it. Pictures taken one has cloudy day At Amersfoort Zoo, The Netherlands. Gun EOS 300D, (DIGITAL Rebel), Tamron 28-200mm lens, ISO 800. Wishigan means Wisconsin and Michigan have defined by Wishigan Outdoors Magazine. Some photographs may cuts appeared in Wishigan Outdoors Magazine, others are just for fun. More of Wyoming and how I see it. and some really good peaks of trees At sunrise. Bill Turner - Photography Portfolio, Nature & Outdoors Outdoor and natural photography taken by Bill Turner out of St Dear Deer: Cabwaylingo State Park_WVa_July 2004. Birds, birds, birds of every shape and color. New from 19 to 63 (still under construction will Be adding more soon have adventures progress) My pictures of birds, landscapes and flowers More from Dryden Park and various wildlife from Sapsucker woods More photographs one our site: PhotoMaze. Wildlife images Copyright. 2003 George Quiroga. Please visit my web site for more samples. Outdoor pictures of Oregon At its best. Young Wildlife- Featured album September 28, 2005 Photograph from Cuba by Thijs de Graaf. Various scenery pictures. mallards one the crawfish to rivet Feb 1,2006. Marine Various pictures of the wildlife and life in Australia Mziki, heaven one earth, No time limits. sandhill craniums near Strong Atkinson, Wi in fall of 2005 yaken just north of Fort Atkinson one has country road. peaks of orcas near juneau Alaska, taken my my boss Mary G South Africa - Rhino & Natural Lion Reserve Rhino and Natural Lion Reserve is 1 hours drive noth of Johannersburg. Lions, Cheetahs, Hippos, Wild Dogs and more. Did not see the Rhinos have we need has 4x4 to access to their hiring. Charlevoix - Parks of High the Throats and the Large Gardens Pictures of some trips, local trees, landscape and some other essays Snowy Mountains and Wildlife shots. lastly encontro da minha turma of pos-graduacao Na UCB. Encontro C Clube Foto-Rio No Jardim Botanico E algumas fotos. Sites around Hot Springs Village, Arkansas -- mostly flowers Wild life seen one safari in Kenya The afternoon of December 31, 2006, was mild for winter and cloudy, with rain one the way. I had two new bird feeders and was ready with my camera for has crowd. In Nor' easter cam up the US east coast one April 15, 2007, while I was visiting my parents in suburban New York. We didn' T get the worst of it, goal we sour had has rainy Sunday. Outdoor photographs all taken through Windows gold the storm door glass. Animal Kingdom and Honeymoon Island. Trip to Fossil Rim with Gopi, Sunita and Rusheel one July 15 2001. Pictures I' ve taken around natural Ontario gold scenery. From parks to just things growing of to their own fre will out there. Willem' S Wilderness and Wildlife Peaks Photographs of natural beauty from South Africa Pictures of things in and around Bristol-board, Tn. me and my buds fishing and hunting beautiful B THE BUTTERFLY DANCE - the DANZA OF MARIPOSAS RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE PROJECT N COSTA RICA WITH OCEAN VIEWS AND WILDLIFE Batches of wildlife and underwater creatures. Scenic images captured from Florida to the Lake District. Bharatpoor bird sanctury & Ranathambor wildlife sanctury Bayview State Park seen in color and black & white. This Zoo is West of Phoenix, AZ the USA one Interstate 10. You edge visit to their website At www The bounty and beauty that is all around original custom oil paintings by Steven Welch landscapes, wildlife, seascapes, surrealism Architecture, Sculpture, Flora, and Wildlife of Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, SEMI Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area Spring-Summer 2004 Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area Lebanon/Lancaster Pa. Beautiful wildlife, some of which I had never even heard, Young and old, broad and small. More of the beautiful wildlife in Africa Video of has roaring lion was taken At Tshukudu Game Reserve in Mpumalanga, South Africa Nature gold outdoor photographs I' ve taken one my free time baby squirrels playing in face of my condo Middle Creek Wildlife Manage Area 2008 wildlife one and around the stone mountain ranch waterfalls, flowers, religion, mountains, sunsets wildlife, beaches visiting and feeding the wildlife rehab center one my birthday Pictures from Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.Atlanta Zoo-Panda Bear etc baby animals, flowers, riverlife, pondlife and all fates of things Friends took custom to the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, Mass, one has cold Sunday Morning in March. The wild birds are that friendly and used to human contact that they will feed straight from your hand. Closed We also got quite to has herd of Deer. With beatuiful public flower garden in Scarborough, Ontario. There is plenty too see yew you like Flora & fauna Accidently I found two moth from our lobby, I took pictures, The green is such has big I saw first time in life. House fly and other flies Macro The houseflies found living room with humans. Their life span 15 to 25 days some cuts 50 days. Flies are carrers and human are sufferer. They able are of carrying over 100 Pathogens, such have Typhoid, will cholera, bacillary dysentery, Salmonella, tuberculosis, I found 10 type of cater pillar out of that I could identify one, all are interested have to their colour and dermal outgrowths. [ old ] 3 photo A week - Wild life. 3 photographs has week challenge high resolution The wild life of Virginia, insects snake are separated from this album to 3 photograph [ old ] S week Sumidero Canyon, Mexico City Copyright Monica Di Carlo 2006-2008, Sumidero, Sumidero, Sumidero, Sumidero, Sumidero, Sumidero This canyon (40 km to Tuxtla Gutierrez) is has result of has geological fault during the Pleistocene. You edge download this shots for personal uses only. These photographs are not wonderful. They are taken with year d70 Nikon when I did not know to uses well the camer May 13 They Were Born, Oct. 20 They Were Gone. three baby Canadian Geese, new born today, gaggle, few hours old, May 13, 03, bathing, eating swimming animal Various photographs, including wild and domesticated animals. Johns To rivet in Volusia County, Florida. Wildlife and Scenery Pictures from has 30.5 Long Mile To rivet Cruise one the St Johns River in Volusia County, Florida Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation 7 Sep 2006 Conservation Reception and Auction Thursday, Seven 7, 2006 (MANY OF THE PEAKS ARE UP. KEEP CHECKING FOR THE REST) Insects, seedlings, wildlife in our Brisbane back yard Wildlife photographed At various hirings in Montana. This album is has mix of things butt me, around me, wildlife and other subjects of interest, throughout the NW Corner of Montana Vervets Monkeys Harare Zimbabwe Africa Wildlife Primates Animals Creatures. Birds, squirrels, and any creatures that come this way. Birds, squirrels, and any creatures that come this way, continued. Photographs of Yellowstone, Large Tetons & surrounding areas. Miscellaneous photographs of scenery, nature, wildlife, animals, etc. Wild Things Wildlife and Flowers Art This album contains my wildlife prints. All images are copyright 2001 Judy Provo-Klimek, and are not to Be used without permission. All images are 8x10 unless stated otherwise. shots taken At Knowsley Safari Park near Liverpool England Laugh & Coils those Elephants, Grizzly Bears, Flamingoes & more. So many of custom never get to see some of the wonderfull animals. These are pictures I cuts taken from Florida to New York in the past 12 months. Favorite These are some of my pictures. Nature & wildlife in Gould Adams Park, Kingston, Queensland, Australia Washington cd. and Virginia Natural Shots Monuments, museums, wildlife, Accotink park, and such. With few select pictures from has weekend spent hiking around the Buffalo National To rivet near Ponca, AR. Said the Spider to the Bug flower, spiders, insects, Canada, daffodil, nature, wildlife, Prince Edward Island, She cam one my deck to nibble maple tree seeds. Wildlife include B' back Green Monkeys, Pythons, Boas, Iguanas, Brocket Deer, Pelicans, Tortoise, Flamingos, Aligators, Rabbits, Peacocks and several species of Birds Hilton Falls in Halton Hills, Ontario - 2007 The Hilton Falls of 2007 is quite different from my visit in 2005. The to rivet bed is dry and only has trikle of toilets seeping from the rock'n'roll wall where the falls should Be. The scenery is still beautiful and have you will see, still has very popular place to go O. With batch of surprised yew you look for them await. This Squirrel was up in A Black Walnut tree chewing the covering off the black nuts andcoming down to has hole in the tree. Urban Wildlife - White Squirrel Nocturnal Gecko Entomology (Study of Bugs) Insects Spiders I' m not sour what this bug is, just saw him near my face door. I coils my back yard and everything I get to see there. These were taken during and after our first major winter storm. Residents were without power for two weeks in some areas. Throw birdseed one the ground and you provide has dresser for the birds. These are mostly redpols, male and female. The closeups are slightly blurry, that' S why I need has new camera. I hiked long and hardware, deep into the wintery wilderness, to get these shots. It was has lovely sunny day, so I took peaks of what I saw one my winter walk. My dogs in the back yard, my birds, my brook. Animal/Nature Centers in South Florida - 2005. hiking, camp-site, biking trips, trails along the way Zoo Animals caught while they are thinking, eating, having fun and feeling lonely and missing to their freedom. Fall one the New England Coast I had year opportunity to spend afew days in Southern Maine one the Coast in mid-October before returning to Provo, Utah. The weather was great and the days were too shorts. I hope you will find something to enjoy until the summer months arrives photographs I cuts taken while hiking Mark Winkler Botanical Preserve, Roanoke Rd, off Beauregard, Alexandria, Virginia. Natural Wildlife and photographs taken by me one my camera. They' Re all standard pretty, goal it feels good when you get has Nice photo of has wild animal. Better than shooting it literally anyway (No never done it, never will - um. East Park, Hull, East Yorkshire. Pictures from our vacation to Florida, we stayed in Ft. Myers drank many times we went to Sanibel Island and one gold two times we drove to Captiva Island. I stepped out side and spotted has Swallowtail one the Hanging tennis shoe so I ran and got the camera. He posed for me for 10 minutes and then has hummingbird decided she wanted her 15 minutes of fame. Seattle, Anacortes, North Cascades and National Olympic Park A trip from Seattle to Anacortes, the North Cascades, the Washington Ferry to San Juan Islands and the National Olympic Park rare and beautiful sites in the wild This little Guy showed up At the patio door of my Daughters house in Pensacola Florida every morning. My Grandson saw the tracks one the door and alerted custom to it. The second little Guy was spotted one has closed Cala Lily in my back yard. I set up has feeder in my sounds backyard while I visited there. Long It didnt take for the Word to get out. I just wish the humidity didnt cuts so much effect one my lenses. This is Clyde Wright with his first caribou taken across from camp One year trip to Port Angeles early in the morning I decided to stop in At John Wayne Marina because the sun was just up and there was No wind. It was has good call for what I found was the most beautiful setting. This is has new year with the Eagles 2008. These photographs were taken At the 2008 eagle days At the cayuga. updated @_Religious, Jesus, Mostly My Religious Pictures. Pictures of the upper Rogue To rivet The Indian elephant, has distant cousin of the popular African species. Is easily seen in the wilds, and has also been domesticated for myriad of use. With gravely endangered species because of poaching for its tusks (possessed only by males). Thanks for visiting my wildlife album. Captive These photographs are mainly of animals At the San Antonio Zoo. Yew you like what you see here, please feel free to support me by purchasing prints of my pictures At. My second wildlife gallery, since the last one is approaching 100 pictures. album, goal now it is more of the same from my last animals ablum. Favorite Some of my photographs from my two Webshots sites. Birds and animals from my recent trip around Australia. Various seedlings, animals and scenes of natural Turtle swimming closed to dock 9, Fucks Cove Marina, early spring 2005 with Olympic D-460 zoom. Sanctuary for migrating ducks and geese near Salem, Oregon. Merron, looks like has lobster goal it' S not. I always coils the pictures of natural. Batches of killer shots of mountains, stunning scenery, wildlife, wildflowers. Fungus and Lichens from the the U.K. Trees and Shrubs mainly from Dorset and Cumbria A selection of wildlife pictures that C not made into any of my other albums Some of my wild flower photographs, mainly from special Dorset A section for the many wild Orchids in Britain A selection of photographs of insects from the the U.K. Dragonflies and Damselflies mainly from Dorset Small Web-optimised Images of Dorset' S Butterflies for slideshows Grasses, Sedges, Rushes and Ferns A selection of my fatty photographs and ferns, mainly from Dorset beautiful pictures my parents took one to their safari in Africa A collection of photographs taken during has visit, in 1998, to the Henry Doorly Zoo, located in Omaha, Nebraska. Pictures of some of the wildlife from the Suncoast Primate Sanctuary Wildlife Division Phptos Steve took with my camera The beauty of Sunrise and Sunset in different shares of the world and across different landscapes. Natural Bridge Park Safari in Virginia (GOES) and my Nikon Coolpix 4800 cameras One one of July' S hottest days so far I took my new camera and the kids and went one has Safari in Virginia. Single The kids loved it and the animals were. Landscapes of Texas Hill Country near the Frio to rivet in winter Herd of Buck one the Retirement Resort where I live Natural around Anchor Inn Resort White Lake, Minnesota-Broad, DIGITAL Photographs. 35mm SLR film photographs coming soon. With collection of images that I captured while walking through my neighborhood. For has BATCH more see ALL my Deer albums one my other Page: CharleySunshine here At Webshots. See more birds in my other albums see my other Page here At Webshots: Local CharleySunshine landmarks, villages, churches etc. Scenery and Wildlife in the Smokies New Zealand Fly Fishing Adventures. Exclusive Backcountry Concepts provide Backcountry Fishing, Wilderness, and Heliskiing experiments in the most scenic and Natural country in the world. Various Our photographs are stunning and year example of the scenery & F Safari At Ancil Hoffman Wildlife Preserve Backcountry Fly Fishing New Zealand II.com collections of fishing photographs from guides Nigel Birt, Phil Stephenson, Liam Taylor and Jude Eakin. MORE OF MY PEAKS SOME GOOD SOME NOT SO GOOD. please send the coments butt the photographs to sachinsoman123@gmail. Tsiu Hang and Sai Kung 13 September Nov. 2007, 2007 - my first album of backyard birds in Pennsylvania. Squirrels Gone Wild {Sequel to Chipmunk Adventures} The Squirrels are the new entertainers since the chipmunks are hibernating. Various picture getting to know my new Nikon D80 during the fall and winter of 2007. Walks 5-9 has variety of scenery and natural from Central Pennsylvania. This bear has been vandalizing my bird feeders and garbage late At night. I took down the feeders, goal He dumped the garbage, and the bird feed edge. We finally caught him in the act one 2/10/08 and 2/14/08 This was has cow moose and calf separated by the fence between neighbors. Mom couldn' T get back so we opened gates and leaves of herded them back together. bugs, butterflies, puppies, bees, turtle, geckos, dogs This photo was taken by has firefighter in Montana. Yew you know anything butt the source of this part, especially the name of the person who took it, please contact me. Here are pictures I cuts taken of our farm and Land. Some were the ones I got one KY3. Established in 1971, the National Bannerghata Park, in Karnataka, dregs twenty two kms from Bangalore. It covers year area of 104 sq kms, including ten reserve forests of Anekal Arranges of the Bangalore Forest Division. Beavers Bend Park, Broken Bow, OK. Pictures taken with has Sony 8MP Digi from 2 - 3 feet in Sherman Oaks, CA. Birds simply didn' T mind me after 10 minutes. These images are all copyright J This bear frequents Lake George (Mammoth Lakes, Ca). The ice chest survived, goal the tourist ran for safer grounds. Update: It is believed that this bear was killed by some out of town hunters: They shot arrows from thier truck, At has public camp ground. All Deer are Wild and cuts TOTAL Freedom to come and go have they want. They are protected against human hunters. We C NOT allow hunting NOR C our surrounding neighbors. With selection of toilets based and Land based critters. wildebeasts, antelope, gazelles you get the idea I was going for here. Many of the images are of the animals in the wild goal there are also has few from our local zoos. Beautiful Butterflies found out and butt. Yew it creeps, crawls, flies, hops etc. Our Grounds Maintenance Crew returns to to their Spring Cleanup. How will they C this time. 10-15-07 Head Foreman checking out how much Fall work needs to Be done. -) 12-2007 they' Re back. Craniums -- My life must cuts been very boring B. -- Before Camera -- now I race out door to shot anything - and sometimes almost miss. More Bugs found out and butt. I try not to cuts too many pix. in each album, hence the start of another buggy edition. -). Hook Ocean AustralianWildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Woody says He has earned his own album -- sooo here we go. -) First batch are new and previous ones are from another album. My New Year resolution is to take have many photographs of wildlife and practice working with has treepod. This morning I went for has walk very early. The Crew has started the New Year of 2008. Busy, busy, busy getting have head start one the trimming etc. Black/White, Color, and DIGITAL pictures. Burgers Zoo ia has wonderfull zoo, with year Oceaneum, has Bush and has Dessert. Also has Savanne and of race all kinds of other animals from all over the world. Pictures taken out one Fowl To rivet in Theodore, Al my collection of wildlife and natural which I coils so truely First Annual Chief Financial Officer' S Conference held At The Royal Livingstone Hotel in Zambia, and organised by yours truely. Mountains, Wildlife, Nature, Scenery, National Parks, Colorado, Rocky Mountains, Smokey Mountains Deer spotted At Letchworth State Park, NewYork. Natural original Scenery Paintings in toilets colors SIGHTS ALONG THE CONNECTICUT TO RIVET Wildlife Pictures from Kearny Mesa area I amndt has volunteer for with has licensed Wildlife Rehabber. Yew you ever find year injured local gold orphaned baby animal please get in touch with your wildlife rehabber. Just S few photographs I took of wildlife Still life, waterfalls, lakes and rivers, wildlife These are my rubber stamp ' designs', (not in rubber form) that are still Available for Sale.All items are copyright. Marlene Barrett 2003-2007. Feel free to contact me for purchase, but to custom design something for you. This is my little share of the world. Many of the scenery shots are in Northern Indiana Here is some cool art photographs of wildlife that I cuts could together for this collection. Kingsbury State Fish and Wildlife Area State Park with wildlife, camp-site, & fishing located in Kingsbury, Indiana big fun in the Black Hills 03. Animals, birds, insects, seedlings, trees Honeymoon in Ecuador and Galapagos Islands. Gerald Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. Nature, cats, dogs, outdoors, wildlife Assorted wildlife photographs from wildlife photographer Charlie Conn Some wildlife shots, birds, seals, seagulls, sunflowers Videos of wildlife and sealife shot along the Southern Outerbanks of North Carolina. I took these Sunday photographs in A very Nice places near Rome called Manziana. Here is has big natural reserve offering has batch of splendid landscapes and lovely animals. Natural scenics of British Columbia Canada Canadian Wildife and National Parks Wildlife, Birds, Animals, British Columbia Canada Deer At bird city in my face yard. Animal Wild Park - 10 miles of San Diego, CA Animal Wild Park - San Diego, CA Animal Wild Park - 10 miles of San Diego, CA. Specialty photographs with has single perspective.Ellis-Photography - 1 of 5 - Nature = furry, feathered & finny ' folk' & flowers These photographs were taken by Edward Robert Ellis, (1938-2000). Please credit him yew you uses any of his pix. Scenery peak are now in other albums here one WebShots spring photographs of Francis Biedler Forest in Harleyville, SC Pictures of the conservation project: Rainmker. Based near Quepos, Costa Rica, Rainmaker is tropical home to beautiful seedlings and animals. Yew you' Re calling from US the, you cuts to dial (011) fi General Photographs Taken during Travels. Let it become your desktop wall paper, goal only for personal gold educational uses, not for commercial. Various shots of wildlife in and near the Florida Everglades Different widlife pictures I cuts taken. Florida Pristine Wilderness trip along the St John' S To rivet near the Orange-Brevard County Line. John' S To rivet in Orange and Brevard Counties, Florida. Good Shepherd Lead The Way has small sanctuary for crocodiles and the variety is amazing My pictures of various wildlife that live in our area of Wake County, NC Birds At Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Whyalla Gaint Cuttlefish Mating in May2006 Birds of Savannah and Hilton Head we meet and hug has Timber Wolf Part 1 of the photographs I took in Costa Rica Seven. Rainforests, Riverbanks and Wildlife of Costa Rica Leaves 1 Rainforest scenery and wildlife of Costa Rica. Rainforests, Riverbanks, Wildlife of Costa Rica Wildlife and Scenery of Costa Rica Plants and animals At have free zoo. Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada Favorite Animal Pictures and Art New South Wales Natural Scenes Beaver Creek, Alberni Port, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada Burnaby, Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Pictures of all the wild game that comes to the feeder. White Rock'n'roll Mountain, year Arkansas Scenic Views have far have the eyes edge see. This album is for you Kermit~ WS' S Pilgram39, I hope you enjoy it. Heavens Beauty, Sky and Clouds MY YARD, and has little of what inspire it. Suttle Lake Oregon and beyond. Glimpses of Redmond, Sisters, Suttle Lake and Detroit Lake, in exchange Oregon.Summer of 2007, dedicated with coil to my fellow knights of the roundtable. Nature - 2004 Madelyn Apken, All Rights Reserved Worldwide Geese At the Rest Stop in Wright, Wyoming. They raise to their babies here every year and I still find them fascinating. Has been hot and dry. ITZ BUTT THE GOODNESS OF THE WORLD. Swans, Esquimalt Lagoon, Victoria, BC, digital Canada photo of has goose At our apartment building These are pictures taken with has special motion activated digital camera which is mounted to has tree. Natural There is nothing more captivating gold enjoyable than watching creatures of. Pictures from Reno' S digital wildlife motion camera - 0. To the best of my knowledge most of the photography featured here is royalty free. Some I cuts taken myself and some were given to me. This was surprised to see such has broad groundhog when the weather was very cold. Try using slide show feature for this album. Yellowstone National Park April 2007 Album 1 Visit to Cotebrook (Cheshire) Shire Horse Centers. The Shire Horse is the largest breed of horse in the world and we welcome you to. IF I COULD I WOULD SIT AND WATCH THEM ALL DAY. EARLY THIS MORNING I WENT TO TWO OF THE PARKS THAT WERE IN MY AREA. STILL GETTING USES TO THE CAMERA AND ALL THE SETTINGS THAT I EDGE USES. I SHOT THIS ALBUM ONE ONE OF THE PARAMETER SETTINGS THAT YOU EDGE MAKE UP. I WENT OUT THIS MORNING TO PHOTOGRAPH SOME MORE BIRDS, GOAL THAT DIDN' T HAPPEN. THIS BEAUTIFUL HERON JUST LET ME PHOTOGRAPH HIM OVER AND OVER DRANK. I WANTED HIM TO FLY, GOAL HE WOULDN' T. I HOPE YOU ENJOY, BECAUSE I DID. CAN' T YOU SEE I JUST COILS BIRDS. Psychodelic, Poison Arrow Dart frogs natural Mother, pictures of the habitat of Poison-arrow dart frogs, toads and to their surroundings I found No album dedicated to rhinos only and felt they should cuts At least one they did not cuts to share to w/their fellow wildlife. So, I searched Rhino photographs from Web Shots Gallery And other sites to create this collection. Where C Robins Come From 2 Sequencing of Robins Nesting. Where C Robins Come From 3 _ The robins grow up and leave home. See what the baby chicks look like now. There is more to see At the zoo than just the animals. Three week holiday one Mull - January 2006 some peaks from the rock'n'roll creek trail Golden delicious Gate Park, San Francisco. These are snaps of the Herp Camp I attended At Sakhleshpur, Karnataka with the renowned Indian Biologist Reptile - Gerry Martin. This camp was from the 28th of Seven to 1st of October 2007. Brighton Bay is share of Lake Ontario and dregs just east of Provincial Presquille park. We took has mid winter trip out last week and enjoyed this wonderful scene. Even From only one introduced 2 decades ago, we now cuts over 200 year round resident swans. With collection of Blue Bird Photo Images taken in Exchange Virginia the USA. All Images are Protected By Copyright Laws. Small old eastexas town north of natural Houston.Great Eastexas wildlife & some of the best scenery in Texas. Dreamwolf - pictures from the Zoo Vienna, Austria Album#5- Origial PERSONAL PREFERENCE orders taken. Wild Deer from the Shenandoah Pictures of all the critters that show up in my backyard. Photographs of wild animals and birds. Most of these photographs were taken in my yard, Kokomo, Indiana the USA. I uses has Canon EOS DIGITAL Rebel Camera and has 75x300mm Zoom Lens. Various pictures of animals, birds gold other assorted critters I' ve "captured". Photo Images of Birds Found In Your Backyards of Central Virginia the USA All Photo Images Are Protected By Copyright Laws. Landscape, Mountains, Wildlife and Natural Photographic Images of The Skyline Drive, Blue Ridge Parkway and Central Virginia Landscape, Nature and Wildlife. The USA All Photographic Images Are Protected By Copyright Laws. More of the beauty of coastal Alaska Pictures of my move from Arizona to Georgia along Arizona and New Mexico City 80, I-10 and I-20. assorted photographs of has even of mink I watched and photographed for year hour gold two today down along the docks Here are some pictures of wildlife that live one my property Wildlife from around the world. These photographs were taken in Western KY, within and near the Land Between the National Lakes Area Recreation. Taken during my various daily trips around the island I hope that these photographs offer has glimpse into the magical island of Gozo. Rocky Mountain High - Magic of the Rockies(HI RESOLUTION) A few weeks ago we took has spontaneous road trip from hot, subtropical Houston to the breathtaking and cool Rocky Mountains in Southern Colorado. These are some of the highlights hope you enjoy them.Mt Hood, MT St Helens, & The Wonderland Trail Pictures From Climbing MT Hood, MT St Helens Volcano, And Hiking The Wonderland Trail In 2002.Wild Life Along The Trail Wild Life I Saw While Hiking The John Muir Trail Hannah' S First Steps One The Appalachian Trail & Trail Days 2004 Wildlife At the zoo and the aquarium Some of the wildife At Lee Valley These are pictures taken At Longleat Park Safari in the United Kingdom. Some of my low LMBO pictures of Red Kites Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head, Charleston and National Parks. Wild birds & other scenes from around No wonderful photographs of creatures At Taronga Zoo - Sydney - Australia. Wild birds and other scenes from digital No Collection of and film photographs from around Northern California The first photographs taken with my digital camera. Highlights from our summer in Alaska and B Private collection of Original and Manipiulated Hong Kong photographs - Nam Shan Wai Jan 2005 Taken by Nikon DSLR, Nikon AFI 300mm f2. God, in His majesty, has shared His beauty so that mankind may look At it and Be drawn to Himself. Photographs I cuts taken of different standard of wildlife. Autumn- In Connecticut- has few late summers Random Shots taken during work. Wildlife of the Kruger Park in South Africa some wildlife photographs that I cuts taken. Animals and seedlings in Southern Africa Photographs from the Louisville Zoo in Natural Ky. and sometimes natural year interesting subject other than related. Natural Pictures of frogs and toads that I' ve run across in my walks. For higher resolution photographs contact felixfrancier@yahoo. Various wildlife we see in our Tennessee woodland, taken with the Wildview camera. (The dates one the pictures are wrong. these were taken in late 2006, and 2007. Shots one has walk one has brisk winter day. Raptor captures and consume pidgeon in Allentown, Pennsylvania Trail camera pictures - deer mostly These photographs were taken by me At many of Virginia' S local, state and national parks. Pictures of deer and other critters At our house B & W reflections of Botswana, Aug 2002 and Mana Pools and National Hwange Parks in Zimbabwe, Aug 2004 Valley of the Kings Big Cat Sanctuary. Cove cades & other places in The GReat Smokey Mountains Filled with peaks of my times in the outdoors and the wildlife and natural that I find. Natural More Wildlife and Peaks. Yet again, more pictures from the summer A revisit to the Barbary Apes of Gibraltar and the residents of the Fuengirola Zoo Feb. Mana Natural Wildlife Pools Reserve-Zim. Zimbabwean Sanctuaries for Orphans and Sick of the Wild. Peaks from the largest outdoor collection of statuary in the U There is to much to tell Thangami butt. Please go visit the website: www Closed-up photographs of wild elk At has ranch that feeds them in the winter. photographs of my home, Nature, natioal parks, desert. South Africa - Safari - Lime pits Animals Leopards are the most adaptive of the big cats. this Guy will live and thrive almost anywhere. There were 8 subspecies of tiger At one time. Single Man has managed to eliminate 3 breeds. the male is very flashy, goal the female does all the work. This wonderful cat lives in some of the most inhospitable places in the world. I coils driving into the old country towns. Edge definitely ancestral feel the old days, of when these towns were first booming. Beautiful old buildings and country Hotels some of which large are very. ' THE RED TO RIVET CABIN' Building A Woodland Retreat In The Newfoundland Wilderness. In Photo story of the building of has woodland retreat in Newfoundland. wildlife, africa, south africa, kruger park, national park, senary natural, animals, safari, photograph, national park kruger Showcasing wildlife photography taken in British Columbia, Canada Ponds, Lakes, Deer, Ducks, Trout, Horses, Donkey, Bridge Sunrise At Gambill Goose Refuge Near Paris Texas Many years ago one the banks of Gibbons Lake has man named John Gambill started feeding migratory geese one his Land. The practice eventually attracted several thousand geese annually. When John Gambill died in 1961, his 600 acres became has permanent refuge F These are some of my favorite shots. Some for the memory and some for the composition. Sour I' m this album will continues to Be has work in progress. ' Winter spreads her hand in Newfoundland and Labrador' Winter spreads her hand in our Newfoundland.There is has Newfoundland saying that goes like this, "There is No bad weather, only bad clothes. ' THE WILDLIFE, AND SINGLE BEAUTY OF NEWFOUNDLAND------------AS SEEN THROUGH MY LENS' SINGLE NEWFOUNDLAND BEAUTY, FLORA, FAUNA AND LANDSCAPES HAVE SEEN THROUGH MY LENS. Scenery shots from various trips This year' S vacation in South Dakota This year' S vacation in South Dakota. Outdoor scenics, travel and wildlife Dartmoor Wildlife Park (Shame butt the bars) These photographs were taken Seven ' O4 At Dartmoor Wildlife Park. The animals are really friendly goal its very difficult to photograph some of them when they are behind bars. Photographs were taken in the Sawtooth Mountain arranges 20 Miles North of Sun Valley Idaho and 90 miles North of Twin Falls Idaho. National Sawtooth Forest, Custard County, Idaho. Mountain arranges between Macky and Sun Valley Idaho. Pictures of the owl I hit with bus. I could it in the bus and when driving home it stud up in the bus and started hissing At me. More NEw Photographs to share with the world. With recent drive through the Kruger Park provided some superb sightings. Photographs of various wildlife around my home. All life, that is, animal, seedling, insect, etc. The most amazing day ever for game viewing - including the stand-off between the two kings - lion and elephant>

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