09 March 2008

Free records search

3 Word order in the expressions.3 Notes on research by subject. LOGIBASE offers two modes of free research: the simple research, which r?nd?a majorit?es needs, all in?nt tr?facile of use. research?bor? that one employs to satisfy requests tr?pr?ses, utilizing crit?s of research multiples. Simple research ex?te?' assistance of an easy form to?emplir itself: For an optimal use, here of the information on the?ments of the form: It is possible to limit research to the only currently available documents on the march?u to make it relate to the whole of the base. less contrary instruction, one does not obtain that the products available on the march?On can, if one it d?re, to limit the r?ltats to the documents publi?en Am?que of North or in Europe and in the other countries. less contrary instruction, LOGIBASE provides all the relevant notes, it does not matter the place of publication of the documents. Subject + title + annotation: to recall the notes to?artir high-speed motorboats-mati?, titles of the documents and contents of the annotations. Subject: to recall notes LOGIBASE to?artir high-speed motorboats-mati? attribu? with the documents. Collaborator: to recall the documents to?artir name of the people and organizations which have contribu? their r?isation. Titrate: seek on the titles of the documents. Collection: seek on the titles of collections. ?itor: seek on the names of the?teurs and the spot of publication (cities). Platform: seek on the types of computer (e.g., Macintosh) and the syst?s of exploitation (by ex. Dewey Index: seek on the complete indices of Dewey classification. Num? normalis?recherche on num?s SDM, ISBN, ISSN and CUP (universal code of product) attribu?aux documents. Research?bor?s' employs when one wants to obtain r?nse?ne request tr?pr?se, combining several?ments in the?nc?e the question. The form to?emplir for ex?ter a research?bor?est similar to the simple form of research. It offers the possibilit?' however to introduce three?ments for research, while utilizing the op?teurs AND, OR and EXCEPT. Some notes on the op?teurs: The op?tor AND allow pr?ser a demand for requiring that the r?ltat r?nde?a time the two pos questions?. For example, prone WORK AND STATISTICAL?tor CANADA (documents on work publi?par Statistical Canada). Does the op?tor OR add to the r?ltats of a premi? ask the r?ltats following request, so that one obtains a greater number of r?nses. For example: subject CHEMISTRY OR PHYSICAL subject. The op?tor EXCEPT?mine of the provided r?nse?ne premi? question the r?nse?a deuxi? ask, so that the r?ltat obtained is r?it. If the request comprises three?ments, the order of the questions can have importance. LOGIBASE ex?te the requests in the order in which they are pr?ntent, while applying to the r?ltat obtained pr?demment the op?tor who follows. Once fix?les crit?s of research, it is enough to state that one d?re to seek in the Mot/expression box. Of a mani? g?rale, one can type without restriction particuli?, in natural language, the word or the expression which one scans for. For example: QU?EC COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS CIVILS SERVANT. For an optimal use, to take note of the notes which follow on F? to transmit?OGIBASE requests for research. One can type the requests in capital letters or in small letters, or the accents. All the letters are automatically converted in capital letters without accents for purposes of research. If you use a Macintosh computer?tez to include the accents in your requests. The mode of coding of the caract?s accentu?adopt?ar APPLE is not in conformity with the standards of Internet (standard ISO 8859-1). If you function under Windows, under Unix or Linux, the probl? is not posed. In fact, to stick to the important and significant words. For example, to seek the Voyage title on the Nile, to type NILE VOYAGE simply. To recall the national Center of art and culture George Pompidou, it is sufficient to ask CENTER POMPIDOU.3 Word order in the except expressions in research by exact subject, the word order in the request does not have importance. For example, to obtain documents on the French history, one can type indiff?mment HISTORY FRANCE or FRANCE HISTORY. It goes m from there? with the names of people or organizations. Thus, to require REN?L?ESQUE gives the m exactly? r?ltat what to type L?ESQUE REN? To obtain all the words?? root, or in case of doubt about an orthography (Leclerc, Leclair.), one can truncate a word?roite, by employing the sign *. For example, SENEGAL * recalls in only one request S?gal, S?galais, S?galaise, S?galaises, etc. In the case of a request containing several words, a truncation cannot?e appliqu?que on the last word. For example, FRANCE ECONOMI * is allowed but not ECONOMI * FRANCE. It is not possible to either indicate two signs of truncation (for example, INFORMATION * BIBLIO *) in the m? bo? of research. For ex?ter of research with more than one truncation, to employ research?bor?en?ivant each word in a bo? of does research diff?nte.3 Notes on research by subject research by subject give acc?aux high-speed motorboats-mati? who have? attribu?aux documents. Research?rgie g?ralement gives more r?ltats that research by subject. It is the approach?mployer when tr?sp?fic information is sought. It is also the m?ode?rivil?er when one is unaware of which high-speed motorboats-mati? have? utilis? to express a concept. A premi? will research in?rgi mode make it possible to recall at least some notes, o?' one will be able to identify the high-speed motorboats-mati? relevant. One will not have whereas?liquer on the high-speed motorboats appropri? to obtain the r?nses d?r?. Two possibilit?sont offered for the posting of the r?ltats in research?bor? less does contrary instruction, one obtain?'?an the number of notes which r?ndent?a pos?et question posting abr? of the twenty premi?s notes. The notes appear in opposite chronological order. Your request: Documents available and prone geography to obtain the posting of the note compl?, click on its num?. Adventurers of the lost stamp = Tommy Tricker and the stamp travellers. National The complete geographic: 108 years of National geographic magazine one CD-Romanian. Fran?s and maths with Jonathan. Fran?s and maths with Jonathan. Fran?s and maths with Jonathan. While clicking on its num? in does the left-hand column, one obtain the posting of the note compl? with, in a great number of cases, an illustration of the product = Tommy Tricker and the stamp travellers Set of adventures and d?uverte destiny? all public but the particuli?ment susceptible one to int?sser children and teenagers. Bas?ur the history and the characters of film the adventurers of the lost stamp, it invites?a d?uverte g?raphy and philat?e. It is a question of finding the characters of film, disappeared?a continuation from nasty tricks that their A jou?Tommy Farceur. For that, one has of a stamp album, a terrestrial sphere and a magnifying glass. Using the stamps, the player can go in various countries. He will have to show a good direction of the observation and?e capable of r?udre the probl?s of r?exion and address diss?n?dans the play. In compl?nt, a "small encyclop?e of the philat?e" explains the origin of the stamps, F? to collect them and to classify them. Although packing and documentation are in fran?s, the play can?e ex?t?n fran?s or in English pr?nt?ar Rock Demers. production, Editions the F?. project leader, Christophe Riffaud. design and r?isation, A-matter communication design, Ren?Bourassa. ?iteur/date:.Brossard: Quebecor DIL Multim?a. Montr? : F?, 1997. For computers PC386. 8 Mo of m?anger lives. Windows 3.1. 4 Mo free on hard disk posting SVGA 256 colors sound chart reader of CD-Romanian 2X. Description mat?elle:.1 CD-Romanian: its. Publi?ussi with English bo?er. Isabelle Picardy, micro Asset, flight. The meter which is in the top of the notes?roite, makes it possible to know?out moment o?' one is in the list of r?ltats. Your request: Documents available and prone geography adventurers of the lost stamp = Tommy Tricker and the stamp travellers/pr?nt?ar Rock'n'roll Demers. production, Editions F?. project leader, Christophe Riffaud. design and r?isation, A-matter communication design, Ren?Bourassa. -- Brossard: Quebecor DIL Multim?a. Montr? : F?, 1997......Pour computers PC386. 8 Mo of m?anger lives. Windows 3.1. 4 Mo free on hard disk posting SVGA 256 colors sound chart reader of CD-Romanian 2X. Publi?ussi with English bo?er. .....Jeu of adventures and d?uverte destiny? all public but the particuli?ment susceptible one to int?sser children and teenagers. Bas?ur the history and the characters of film the adventurers of the lost stamp, it invites?a d?uverte g?raphy and philat?e. .....Il acts to find the characters of film, disappeared?a continuation from nasty tricks that their A jou?Tommy Farceur. For that, one has of a stamp album, a terrestrial sphere and a magnifying glass. Using the stamps, the player can go in various countries. He will have to show a good direction of the observation and?e capable of r?udre the probl?s of r?exion and of address diss?n?dans the play.....En compl?nt, a "small encyclop?e of the philat?e" explains the origin of the stamps, F? to collect them and to classify them. Although packing and documentation are in fran?s, the play can?e ex?t?n fran?s or in English. *Isabelle Picardy, micro Asset, vol......Pour computers PC 386 or Macintosh More. Windows 3. .....Biblioth?e of 1500 images of the type clip art having for HT? g?raphy: country, continents, landscapes, flags, monuments, etc. The images are provided in formats WMF and PICT. .....Un utility makes it possible to visualize labels of the whole of the images, to post them in the face r?le and to place them in the paper weights. Do notes on the indices of public-target In the format in list, the cat?ries users live? are exprim? by indices of which here significance:. You have the possibilit?' to print the totalit?u document or to choose sp?fic pages. It is the software of navigation which you use who orders the ex?tion of export. One does not have any more that?ndiquer?uel place one wants to safeguard the file (diskette or hard disk) and under which format. less contrary instruction, navigators Internet safeguard the files in format HTML (extension the versions more r?ntes of the word processing softwares (Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, etc.) and of the software of publication assist?par computer (PageMaker, Ventura, etc.) accept this format, which preserve working of the r?ltat sauvegard?taille of the caract?s, fats, italics, hyperlinks, etc. To use the r?ltat with a software which does not accept format HTML, it is pr?rable to safeguard the file in format text (extension One loses this F? the d?il of working (fat, italics, hyperlinks), but appearance g?rale of the document is pr?rv?(titres, paragraphs, etc.

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