29 February 2008

How to have sex

Friday 44 - Filters humans have sexes. Sieve do sexes has humans a Gespr? with Katrin Ann Kunze?r a small Chromosomenverschiebung Katrin Ann Kunze, you are inter+sexual, as addresses I you best. KATRIN ANN KUNZE: As a woman. See, despite my special arrangement my sexual development without interferences clearly carried out yourselves. I have not two x-x-Chromosomen, like most women, but an x and a y-y-Chromosom. Nevertheless I am female and differently also never gef?t myself. With your birth was immediately clear, which you have sex. Yes, my?eres appearance was from the outset clearly female. In the first years I am also without each question mark behind my sexual Identit?aufgewachsen. Sp?r placed itself then rather about to question the Vollst?igkeit of my femaleness. The female sex organs dominate with you. Are missing only which, the reproduction organs. I do not have Geb?utter, no Eierst?e, no eileiter. These prim?n sex organs in such a way specified were never formed with me. My k?erlicher status is thus an total-operated woman comparable to that. With the only difference that my sheath ends blindly, like it in the specialized jargon hei?. Which happened exactly there in the embryonalen development. This special syndrome hei? AIS, androgen Insensitivity of syndromes. That means that the Keimdr?n produces androgens, at the same time however an effect blockade is present. Although the genetic sex is m?lich, a female F?s develops in the consequence. With me a complete androgen blockade is present, which one calls CAIS, with C f?complete. In addition, there is PAIS, with P f?partiell. With CAIS no Verm?lichung occurs. Thus I continued to develop in the Pubert??erlich womanlike. That is for a long time not with all Intersexen the case. PAIS concerned one k?en for example a Minipenis gotten, no correct Vagina or chest growth is missing. The social and sexual standard obligation is gro? ergo humans are adjusted and made - is also behind it - koitusf?g. The Gonadektomie is also today still g?ige practice, although appropriate risk statistics are not present?rhaupt. Who decides dar?r, which sex is to have a child, if this is to be specified not clearly. If parents do not orient themselves however k?en, then schlie?n them itself the firstbest physician on, who decides the f?sie. Either the physician is deliberated, or he demands that the sex is to be vereindeutigt. It can decide then at given time, which sex it itself n?r f?t and how it wants its Identit?leben. As one treats such a child. That is nat?ich with difficulty, the more, than the society in all rule against it is and pressure out?. I know Swiss a family, which draws its uneindeutiges child up rather womanlike at present. Pr? then nat?ich a whole St? far the Identit?des of child. But parents try to give to the child also clearance and not pushen it in a direction. To? to you: When it is your parents been noticeable that you develop differently than expected. Not at all, the development quite ran expectation in accordance with? My j?ere sister and I came with innate Leistenbr?en to the world. That were descended the?fnungen, by those the testicles w?n, if her itself trained h?en. Today that is more f?Mediziner a reference that AIS concern it here k?te. With us was it like that that a friendly Gyn?loge zuf?ig of it h?e and us both examined. There it was then clear my parents that we are genetically m?lich M?hen both. When you have somewhat of it gesp?. K?erliche of symptoms did not give it, au?r that the rule was missing. Amusing it was however that I had already very much fr?regelm?g to this friendly gynecologist. I always thought: Hey, which am I here, I have nevertheless not yet times my days. These attendance served nat?ich control of mine pubert?n development. H?e it complications given, h?e one intervene at any time k?en, for example by hormone gifts. Stupid it was evenly only that I did not know. Physician and parents were itself united, me only after the Pubert?aufzukl?n if I ripely enough w?, to bear this information. The kind, how with me was gone around there, put obviously a keeping still close to me. As and when your parents have you then "aufgekl?". My parents wanted to have me grown up freely from disconcerting, in order to sch?en my childlike soul. As you reacted in the moment. I said: That is mad. There I must never take the pill. Thus the case was vorgeblich settled f?mich. I have this role so well easily that nobody came on the idea, I k?te problems thereby to have nevertheless. But internally you had very probably difficulties thereby. Yes, because behind my Frausein pl?lich a question mark had emerged. I asked myself: I am really a woman. Am I different than other women. But at that time these questions have me genuinly gequ?. Today we know that the genetic sex only a small component of the Identit?ist. Altogether seven sexes constitute humans. There is the chromosomale, the gonadale and the hormoneal sex. Then the genital sex inside and the genital sex au?n, that for civil registration f?t. and then gives it still the psychological and the social sex. In the reason we do not need the terms man and woman nevertheless any longer. The society developed from the rigid division in two parts of the sexes away, only the terms with did not ge?ert themselves. Which w?n according to your opinion better categories, in order to describe sexes. M?lich and womanlike are only the terminator points on a sex scale, between which there are many variants infinitely. Intersexualit?zu understand, require the readiness, from?rkommenen polar thinking in favor of pluraler sex differences too l?n. without I it f?mich even take themselves up w?e, unterst?e I the demand after at least a third sex. Some speak of man, woman and hermaphrodite. But that is me too rating, like that after the slogan: neither, nor, simply somewhere between them. Also don't I find the word sch? in the?igen is not at all applicable. A zwittriges nature is not between sexual, but two sexual. And zwittrige natures do not k?en themselves from own strength reproduce, that can a human hermaphrodite so mentioned at all. Perhaps one should simplify and simply of X, Y and Z speak that, if it must be. The w? a equal alternative, with which one also the cultural Befrachtung of the terms man and woman deals w?e. "its" taboo was in your family. Or you spoke?r the topic openly. Au?rdem should have also my sister time to develop unencumbered. In this point I followed the opinion at that time of my parents. Today we see all somewhat differently. In the R?schau had we to state the fact that in ours famili?n always somewhat was missing to relations because around certain things was talked. When you "geoutet yourselves"?entlich. That came quite FR? forwards about f? Years, as if my sister me endg?ig as Gespr?spartnerin called in. You had problems in the vocational or private life. There were meeting with hostility never, because I had not also geoutet myself. When I was so far then, I was already selbst?ige Texterin and lady journalist. Today I notice that open handling even new T?n can?nen. Also in my partnerships there were no problems in this regard. Overall said, the egozentrische K?tlertypen was, those on self implementation out was and not on children and family. And in punkto Sex there is no Einschr?ungen anyway with me. I know however XY women, whose partner does tolerantly and play ready to be and if necessary also without herk?lichen Sex m?en. There are situations in the everyday life, in which her itself disadvantaged f?en. Or they?ern with the Ausf?en of forms, only gentleman or woman mark themselves to k?en. Sometimes they write then "neither, nor" into these columns. Apart from these formal things are well-known me in addition, F?e of Mobbing. How often humans become born in Germany, who are not clearly m?lich or female. As much I wei? at least such a case comes on thousand births. Actually thus far more than 80 m?ten. But many humans are clearly adjusted directly after the birth, perhaps then there is between 20. But the official numbers lie, believe I, still under it. They are organized in a group, which calls itself "XY women". We are there approximately 40 women between 20 and 60 years from completely Germany, from Switzerland and?terreich. Most of us are AIS concerning, therefore the name of the group. F?uns stands the exchange in the first place. Most are isolated, until they find to the group. Therefore they k?en with nobody dar?r talk, and?entlich the topic is taboo also as far as possible. But we do not only talk?r Identit?probleme, but exchange also addresses of?zten, therapist and create together?fentlichkeit. Because we k?en only in such a way a more at social acceptance reach. The Gespr? to fox and Andrea Roedig further information and Kontaktm?ichkeiten f?Betroffene there is f?ten Christian's under.

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