29 February 2008
Crossing from Nova Scotia
White Star, Vercelli, 2006, Flying High. COASTAL MARGINS Of the ATLANTIC And PACIFIC 502 In The GONE DAYS, From the COASTS Of Great Britain, And PIANT?CON FORCES The FLAG Of BRITAIN On The BEAUTIFUL DOMINION Of CANADA. THAT IT CAN WAVE OUR VIRTUE and PRIDE HERE. ALEXANDER MUIR, THE MAPLE LEAF FOREVER emblematic Images of Canada, thistle, alfalfa and rose represent the British, Irish ancestors and French, while the maple tree leaf, with the beaver and the goose of Canada, symbolizes the identit?el. Vessillo red and the white man with the simple leaf of maple tree to the center was hoisted for before the time in the 1965, appeared the Union Jack. since Canada?na constitutional monarchy democratic, the face of the printed Queen of England?uttora also sulle. comes in mind wild images of nature and chain plates, on this earth some of the pi?ntiche and immense forests grow and slide great part of the sweet water of the world landladies on the deep ones go them and on the powerful rivers that intersect riversandosi in ravines, crossing lagos and sfociando in one of i. To north the Arctic risplende of glacial caps and ghiacciai, while to the southern borders the praterie languono in the dry warmth. The area total of Canada, second for dimensions only to Russia?i 9984670 squared kilometers, but accommodates only 30 million persons approximately, devout? less. The greater part of atmospheres accommodates an immense range of flora and fauna to the natural state, within wild spaces envies to you from many nations. ?na classified vision to little spectators privileges to you: dancing and flickering of the light anciently they were considers expression you of the d?e of skies, and?ifficile not to make associations of this type and not to try a some sense of spiritualit? of inner peace in contemplating this. Other icona of Canada is "mounties" of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), police federal, that they patrol without pause the territory to horse, with their jackets of I can alive, and delight the spectators in which they ride in formation giving life to caleidoscopici designs, in order to demonstrate the own excellence in equestre field. But we come to "first nations", that they are Wakashan, the Salishan, Tsimwhian, Tlingit, Haidan, Athapaskan (the people taiga-athapaskan are the ancestors of the odierni slavey, dene and gwich' in), Kootenaian, Algonquian, Sioutan, Iroquoian, Eskaleut and Beothuk, for a total of 53 European languages to popular these lands were British and French, that they constitute still the majority: a 28% of the population?i. to 3% and are piu numerous of aboriginals (2%). cultural of relief, that they comprise Germans, ucraini, Dutch, Greeks, Poles, Chinese, Japanese and Icelandics everyone of these goes to form compact bags in several parts of the country. The Icelandics, as an example, have settled down themselves numerous around to the Winnipeg lago. the first olympic medal of gold in the hockey, the national sport, was gained from one square all Icelandic, to one exception. Canada has ten province and three territories with which calls come familiarly the province on the Atlantic. The history of Nova Scotia?egnata from pirati storys of that popolano its leggendario past, like Captain Kidd, whose presumed treasure never recovered still would be buried here in Nova Scotia, music flutters ovunque. all here seems to know to play violino or to dance step dance. prince Edoardo, instead, the potato fields extend to the infinite, from lands red mattone to the white women spiagge sabbiose. in 1864 in order to found Canada here and the hour connects the island to the selvose coasts of the New Brunswick. with one length of 13 kilometers?l bridge pi?ungo to the world on covered ice waters. To north of the gulf of saint lorenzo the province is found pi?strema, that one with Terranova and the Labrador, that it points out on the Atlantic greens and the houses variopinte of the fisherman villages are the characteristic of this province, than un?l single Canada in 1949. The Quebec has an European aspect, with an architecture particularly. Bench?l Canada is officially bilinguist - English and French -, in practical the French?i?iffuso in the Quebec, where the population of French language is found pi?asta to outside of the madrepatria: the province, also after to have fallen under the control of the British ones, never has not rinunciato to its culture and the French you?arlato. province and comprises - beyond to understood them the Ottawa - immense citt?i Toronto, effervescente cultural center in which they feel to speak dozens about various languages, is published beyond 70 daily paper in foreign languages and the municipal warnings are print to you in six languages different English, French, Chinese, Italian, Greek, portuguese pi?asta of North America, if Saint Francisco is excluded. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are the province of the prateria. Manitoba?na earth golden from the grain and the sunflowers, to south, green for the boreal forest to north crucible of limbs, while citt?el the north as the Churchills and Flin Flon are to a step from the polar bears and must make the accounts with winter temperatures cos?redde that the external tubature of the water are encircled from long small houses of. To comparison of skies exterminated infinites on praterie of the Saskatchewan, every the other place it seems small: the RCMP was founded here in order to garrison Canadian the wild riottoso and west and the academy in. The great parks of the Alberta, like the national parks of Jasper, provincial Banff and Waterton and many parks are a bastion to protection of these cos?ari ecosystems. Calgary organizes rodei with festivities and dances, while that one. The three territories to north are the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and the Nunavut of recent foundation (1999), that the surface of California covers five times: lived for 80% from inuit?l territory to native population. The Northwest Territories is in great part covered of tundra and insufficient popolati, but they accommodate the buoi muschiati and the lupi. The Yukon was theatre of the famous race to the gold of the Klondike, in 1898, and people still today try nuggets of gold in the rivers. In order to connect this immense extended one the first transcontinental railroad was constructed, inaugurated from the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1885. British Columbia, finally, is found large is citt?osmopolite, as Vancouver, center darte and of transactions, it is city in which some they choose to go to living "outside from the system" sheltering itself in remote places on mounts or the islands of the Pacific, where?ostituito environs pi?a animals that they give. The United Nations have classified Canada, appreciated for elevated qualit?i the life, like the better country to the world in living for eight consecutive years, thanks to one stable government progressive, an economy in good health, the many situated parks and the thirteen patrimony of the umanit?rotetti from Unesco, eight of the which natural ones.
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