26 April 2008

Cool christmas comment

Blog AMIGO EXPRESS TRAIN - multiport Service of covoiturage for Quebec and the Maritime ones. 2007. December This year, Marc-Olivier Vachon, 28 years, founder of the service of covoiturage AmigoExpress, received the title of Personality of l’.année decreed by Time Magazine. Lui…. and all those which contribute to Web 2.0, the second version d’.Internet, more interactive than its ancestor, who was satisfied to diffuse contents. In his blogist, Marc-Olivier Vachon discusses d’.environnement. he thus posts his personal values and those d’.AmigoExpress. “.Notre blogist reinforces l’.aspect community of our company and brings us closer our usagers”., says it, enthusiastic. Those which tasted at the interactive side of the blogists and their facility ḏ.utilisation s’.en will not astonish. Those which have already a site see a way there of showing their expertise, to share their passion and to d’.établir a closer contact with their customers. More dynamic C’.est to answer their comments directly rather than to return them to a list of FAQ”., says it. C’.est also a formidable tool of “.focus group”., like l’.a noted Marc-Olivier Vachon: “.On juggled with l’.idée to create a service of covoiturage parallel, with l’.usage exclusive of the women. It n’.a been enough that d’.une entered on the blogist so that the comments d’.usagers affluent.”. One can repeat this scenario with l’.interne to take the pulse of the troops on a possible project. Without counting that the blogist supports a better positioning in the search engines. “.De all that concerns closely or by far your d’.expertise”. field, answers Gabriel Rodrigue. For its part, it discusses technology, d’.entrepreneuriat and ḏ.actuality on its personal blogist. and of software on the gate Connect-vous.”. Be generous, transparent and authenticates, recommends Michel Leblanc, specialist in electronic trade and strategies Internet: “.Cette generosity will return to you. Also speak about you, not only of your succès”. With proof, l’.un of its tickets the most read relates to its favorite restaurants. It suggests d’.alterner four tickets related to your field and a “.hors propos”., more personnel. Caution: more one s’.exhibe, more one s’.expose with critical comments. If a prospective customer were froisse, to it stage coach is missed. Keep the delicate subjects for the discussions between friends. Yes, answers without hesitating Michel Leblanc.”. By creating its blogist, Daleyne Guay, president de FanBox, its investment in less d’.un month showed a profit. With its team, it manages about thirty communities d’.intérêts (for example the members d’.une association, the followers d’.un sport, collectors). For these last, it creates programs of development of consumer loyalty (charts of points, clubs, advantages, activities and reductions exclusive with their group, etc), of which the program Chrome Desjardins, intended for the young people of less than 18 years: “.Mon blogist is used d’.outil as formation. He helps to sell the advantages and the profitability d’.un program of fidélisation”. N’.oubliez not a thing: to write a blogist takes often more time than envisaged. C’.est this qu’.on can read on that of Michel Leblanc, of which one of the bonds carries out to a research of University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, realized near 74 blogueurs d’.affaires. In the social networks, pivot of l’.Internet 2.0, ḻ.autor Alain Lefevbre summarizes the dilemma well: “.Un blogist which walk is terribly chronophage and a blogist which does not go, c’.est of the gaspillage”. One s’.en does not leave: “.Il is necessary to frequently publish texts short and relevant and, especially, to answer the questions and the comments of the visiteurs”., Gabriel Rodrigue indicates. Despite everything, nothing guarantees your place with the Pantheon of the blogueurs “.hot”. Your contents must play the part of filter in the sea d’.informations of the Web And even if people are more tolerant as for the quality of the language on Internet, a well turned feather allured more. To limit time devoted to feed your blogist, convert some of your current tasks. You send interesting articles to your customers. Rather put them on your blogue…. and make profit more people. You try d’.insuffler a little life to your forums. Exchange l’.infolettre for the blogist, like l’.a makes Daleyne Guay, which increased its assistantship much. The advantages are numerous, according to Gabriel Rodrigue: “.Lorsqu’.on publishes an electronic bulletin, one often waits to d’.avoir gathered enough material. However, a part of these contents n’.est then more ḏ.actuality. Other favours of the blogist: the contents are always in line, easily locatable in the files. It can hold place of memory of l’.entreprise”. Also propose to your readers s’.abonner with your wire RSS (Really Simple Syndication) for qu’.ils are automatically informed new entries. More effective, gravitational and fast qu’.un courriel. Technical considerations, wisdom and AmigoExpress recognition is becoming a gross bibitte (maintaining nearly 14 000 members) and some d’.entre had noticed you decelerations on the site. Fortunately, we have just moved at a new shelterer who met better our needs from the point of view for reliability and of the service to the customers who assume this crucial role and too often overlooked. I n’.ai that good comments on their professionalism, their speed d’.exécution and their courtesy. The site almost doubled in speed since the change. One will never insist too on l’.importance to name your needs well and to develop narrow and healthy collaboration with your shelterer. In other words, to put charts on table upon the departure and to establish the role of each one clearly. More precisely, it is important to be appropriate together of the moment when your requests will require an additional expenditure for rendered services. If ever c’.est your case, and well know that AmigoExpress recommends to you highly. This n’.est not of the cake to move a compromise site which continues to roll 24h on 24. Thanks to l’.équipe of LIKUID, all s’.est unrolled with wonder and c’.est a very great relief for us all. Thank you Olivier and Antoine and merry festivals. Gracieuseté of Breton Samuel, a covoituror of Montreal: local, equitable and biological food for the meals of the Festivals, ethical marks of clothing, reusable packing-gifts, etc. I recommend d’.aller highly to you to see their propositions…. and responsible Merry Christmas. Formerly, our parents received oranges and cup-and-balls in their bottoms of Christmas. Into l’.espace d’.une generation, the face of Christmas changed completely. Cup-and-balls gossés patiently by the old man of the village, one passed to the gogosses manufactured by children to l’.autre end of the world. Is juicy for the fun, go to Wal-Mart or in Dollarama and try to find a trick of Christmas who n’.est not manufactured in China. J’.ai makes lately l’.exercice and that m’.a given cold in the back. Why not change it into something d’.autre, a little as our parents made. Are often invited us to find “.lifts”. towards New York but l’.offre n’.est not yet terrible of this côté…. Our principal collaborator, Voyages Campus, suggest you some very interesting alternatives:. And, as long as to make, if that tries you d’.aller in the CUS, there are still departures of last possible minute. For more details or to reserve, visit. The price of the drivers a:: comment which concerns us all [ …. ] For some time, j’.observe a certain "rise of the prices" for the Quebec-Montreal ways. Then qu’.au beginning the near total of the starting offers was to 10$, quietly the price tends to s’.augmenter with 15$. The not surprising phenomenon n’.est, as people are free to ask for the price of their choice. However, if one calculates that generally 3 people accompany the driver, 30$ are not enough to refund the price of l’.essence. (not having a car, I do not know the answer to this question.) Lastly, this increase, although tiny, disturbs me a little my reason principal to make covoiturage is l’.argument economic. The concept of profit (for the drivers) is it necessary in the case d’.un such service. Despite everything, I am conscious that: A way with 20$ (15$ + 5$) remains LARGELY advantageous compared to a way in the bus which will cost the double of it. This n’.est thus not that which will discourage from me continuing with the covoiturage. Perhaps qu’.un higher price will convince more people (drivers) to adopt the covoiturage. The fact qu’.Amigo Express allows a self-service remains among its greater advantages, it is thus necessary to see the relevance or not (. Compared to the other companies, precisely, Amigo Express brings important a ̴.valor ajoutée”., that of simplicity. Also interesting of being able to know in l’.avance with which will make us the way. To finish, I thank you for d’.avoir yourselves taken l’.initiative to telephone itself when j’.avais have problems to buy reservations on line. With all those which would like to emit a comment on the question, thank you to subject them on the AmigoExpress Forum.

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